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Casos de computador E-ATX Casos de computador de torre completa E-ATX de Ebuyer As capas de computador ATX estendidas são, como o nome sugere, maiores do que os casos ATX regulares. Eles são predominantemente utilizados para máquinas de jogos e para servidores, mas também podem ser usados ​​para uma máquina diária quando uma placa-mãe maior é desejada. Como os casos de E-ATX são predominantemente utilizados para jogos, eles tendem a ter atrativos. Construído para impressionar esses casos, parece ótimo e muitos possuem recursos extras, como painéis laterais com janelas e ventiladores de LED. A diferença entre E-ATX e ATX Embora ambos sejam casos de torre de tamanho completo, há uma diferença significativa entre os dois. Enquanto o ATX padrão é um fator de forma de 12 x 9,6, a caixa do computador E-ATX possui um espaço maior de 12 x 13 para a placa-mãe. Um caso E-ATX também terá mais slots de expansão do que os sete encontrados em um caso ATX. Grandes casos dos principais fabricantes A crescente popularidade das capas de computadores E-ATX significa que todos os principais fabricantes desenvolveram seus próprios casos. E aqui no Ebuyer temos capas elegante e funcional de Coolermaster e Corsair, bem como de outras marcas de grande nome, como a AeroCool. Recursos extras Navegue através dos muitos casos E-ATX no site Ebuyer e você certamente encontrará aquele que será ideal para sua nova compilação. Todos esses casos também têm um enorme potencial de expansão para que você possa expandir facilmente seu sistema no futuro. Peça a sua caixa de computador E-ATX da Ebuyer. Temos ofertas fantásticas em todas as nossas caixas de computador aqui no Ebuyer. E, se você pedir hoje, poderemos entregar seu novo caso para você amanhã (os termos e as condições se aplicam). Qual é o pacote Painterly O Painterly Pack é um pacote de recursos Minecraft nativo que procura melhorar os gráficos do Jogo, usando uma mistura de novas tomadas em itens e blocos, e texturas re-imaginadas desenhadas no espírito do jogo original. Painterly Pack também possui um Customizer, o que permite que um usuário crie um pacote de textura único de seu próprio projeto, tirando de um pool de mais de 10.000 texturas e gráficos desenvolvidos ao longo de vários anos. Comece clicando no link do personalizador abaixo para fazer com que o seu Minecraft se pareça da maneira que você quer que ele pareça, ou baixe o Pacter Painter Definitivo para um pacote abrangente preparado com algumas das minhas texturas favoritas, atualizadas e ajustadas para trabalhar juntas, ainda melhor do que sempre. Enquanto o Painterly Pack é gratuito, uma grande quantidade de tempo, esforço e testes entraram na criação da Painterly - todas e cada uma das doações são muito apreciadas. The Definitive Painterly Pack é uma coleção de muitas das minhas texturas favoritas, equilibrada cuidadosamente com texturas escolhidas para manter itens reconhecíveis e texturas desenhadas, reestruturadas ou atualizadas especificamente para esta versão do pacote, para que tudo pareça tão bom quanto Possivelmente, enquanto eu não tenho tempo para dedicar ao Customizer, como o costumava fazer, o pacote definitivo me permite manter uma versão do pacote atualizada para versões mais recentes do jogo. O Pacote Definitivo Painterly está totalmente montado e pronto para ser usado no Minecraft 1.10 - basta baixar o zip, soltá-lo na pasta do seu pacote de recursos e, em seguida, selecioná-lo usando a opção de menu no jogo. Verifique as visualizações da embalagem AQUI e AQUI. O Customizer é atualizado até o Minecraft 1.08 e é provavelmente o maior pedido de fama da Painterly Packs. A página Customizer permite selecionar uma biblioteca de milhares de opções espalhadas entre quase todos os monstro, blocos, itens e elementos gui no jogo para Crie um pacote com um visual único. Quando você terminar, basta clicar no botão que diz Criar meu Painterly Pack e ele gerará automaticamente um arquivo zip que você pode inserir diretamente na sua pasta do pacote de recursos. Selecione o zip no menu de opções no jogo e você está disposto a ir Cada pacote personalizado contém um arquivo de senha que permite que você o carregue novamente no customizador para posterior edição - basta clicar no link na página do customizador para obter instruções. Para aqueles que querem editar manualmente o seu pacote, desejam usar combinações de texturas não disponíveis no Customizer padrão, requerem texturas específicas para mods, ou simplesmente querem uma pilha gigante de pixel art, esta versão do pacote está disponível. O pacote funciona como um pacote de recursos padrão do Pacter Painter Definitivo, mas também contém uma pasta alternativa com todos os gráficos não utilizados classificados e rotulados em um único lugar. Como uma palavra de advertência - há muitos gráficos, então este download tem mais de 60 megas. Termos de uso Você pode usar o Painterly Pack com uma cópia oficialmente liscenciada do Minecraft. A menos que você tenha permissão de mim, não use gráficos Painterly para mods de liberação pública ou pacotes de recursos. Você pode usar o Painterly Pack para seus servidores, vídeos, obras de arte, capturas de tela e transmissão sem pedir permissão, mas se você fizer isso, agradeço se você incluísse um crédito e um link para a página Painterly onde está hospedando esse material. Você não pode usar nenhuma parte deste pacote para fins comerciais (ou seja, vender, solicitar doações, hospedar materiais de embalagem por trás de um paywall ou adwall) sem permissão, embora a receita de anúncios incidentes de streamingYouTubereviews ou similar para seus artigos de vídeos Minecraft esteja bem. Em caso de dúvida, pergunte. Eu posso ser alcançado através de rhodoxpainterlypack. net para dúvidas ou comentários. NÃO me envie pedidos de novas texturas ou reskins, e verifique o site e o Twitter para ver se a sua pergunta é dirigida antes de perguntar. Devido ao volume de correio que recebo, não consigo alcançar todos - desculpe se não conseguir responder pessoalmente ao seu comentário. Agradeço antecipadamente. Tweets by PainterlyPack Atualização do dia 31 de outubro: Feliz Dia das Bruxas Estou de volta para morrer para lhe dar uma atualização fantasmagórica Embora eu não tenha tempo para atualizar corretamente o Customizer como costumava, esse patch, pelo menos, dá aos fãs de Painterly algo para usar para versões mais recentes do Minecraft Com este patch, eu introduzi o Pacter Painter Definitivo - uma coleção de um monte de coisas que eu gosto, incluindo um monte de texturas mais antigas que eu toquei ou corrigi, bem como novos gráficos e código para atualizar o pacote para trabalhar com o Minecraft 1.10 Você Também pode combiná-lo com o Customizer, reordenando seus pacotes de recursos, para ainda personalizar todos os recursos de 1.8 e anteriores no pacote, como antes. Aproveite - PACK DE PINTURA DEFINITIVO CARACTERÍSTICAS ATUALIZADAS: - Adicionado texturas de bloco ósseo. - Adicionado texturas de plantas de coro (caule, fruta, flor) - Adicionado ícones para frutas de coro e frutas de coro espalhadas. - Adicionado texturas de bloco purpur (coluna e tijolos). - Adicionado textura de tijolos emder. - Adicionado textura de haste emder. - Adicionado novo ícone para gateways finais e nova textura de entidade para gateways finais. - Bloqueio de magma, bloco vermelho vermelho e texturas de bloco netherwort. Redrew reduz a textura do tijolo ligeiramente. - Adicionado texturas de bloco de modo criativo - comando, comando de cadeia e blocos de comando de repetição, blocos de estrutura, estrutura vazia. - Adicionado texturas de gelo fosco para encantamentos no gelo. - Tijolos cobblestone Redrew, cobbloss musgo, tijolos musgosos, tijolos quebrados e texturas de tijolos ornamentais. - Textura de cascalho de Redrew. - Adicionado texturas do caminho do gramado. - Textura de grama Redrew e textura de folha atualizada para todos os 6 tipos de folhas. - Redrew grasssnowmycelium e texturas laterais podzol. - Redrew texturas de reboco para combinar com novas cores de folhas. - Redine vinhas, hastes, lilypads, juncos, todas as flores, todas as ervas altas, abóboras e vagens de cacau para combinar com novas cores de folhas. - Redrew reed textura do inventário. - Trigo de Redrew, trigo colhido e sementes de trigo para combinar melhor a grama nova e as feno existentes. - Redrew batata e culturas de cenoura, batata assada, ensopado de coelho, cenoura em uma vara para combinar com as novas cores de folhas. - Adicionado texturas de beterraba - culturas, sementes, plantas e sopas. - Adicionado texturas para garrafas de poção persistentes, setas inclinadas, setas espectrales e entidades para todos os tipos de seta. - Ícone de poções de Redrew splash. - Adicionado ícone de poção de respiração dos dragões. - Adicionado textura de bola de fogo do dragão. - Textura da estrela do fogo-de-artifício de Redrew e sobreposição das estrelas do fogo-de-artifício - Ícones de Redrew para pés de coelhos e lingotes de ouro. - Textura de barco atualizada para modelo de barco novo, ícones de inventário de redrew para barcos. - Carrinho de compras e ícones de inventário da Redrew para carros. - Redreie todos os tipos de trilhos. - Redrew wirestone e texturas da tocha redstone. - Redhar todas as ferramentas de diamante. - Redrew todos os indicadores de região de armadura e blindagem protegem. - Adicionado ícones de inventário elytra e elytra. - Armadura de perna de tecido Redrew. - Redrew todos os ícones de armadura e ícones de armadura de cavalo. - Adicionado textura de Sheld, e padrões de bandeira de escudo. - Textura de Redrew para peças de armadura, sinal e banner e ícone de sinal. - Textura de Redrew para fundos de mapas. - Adicionado a pele do masturbador e a pele do projéctil. - Adicionado pele de urso polar. - Adicionado a pele do esqueleto disperso. - Adicionado pele de zumbi casca de casca. - Adicionado skins zombie villager para todos os 6 tipos de aldeões. - Redrew erudito aldeão mob. - Redrew iron golem, porco, lobo e ghast mobs. - textura do sol de Redrew. - Adicionado um novo arquivo de pinturas com obras de arte de vários jogos de luta SNK. - Redrew Gui para fabricação de mesas, caixas, inventário, inventário de cavalos, inventário criativo e stands de fabricação de cerveja. - Redrew gui armor pips. - Adicionado ícones para novos efeitos de status. - Adicionado elementos gui para seleção mundial. - Elementos de gui adicionados para múltiplas barras de chefe. - Atualização de partículas, barras, widgets e ícones de arquivos gui. - Corrigido texturas para bússola e relógio. - Arquivos JSON atualizados para blocos de ouro, ferro e diamante, lanternas redstone e placas de pressão. - Adicionado um novo ícone de pacote de tema de flor rosa e roxo para denotar você está usando Painterly Definitivo. Atualização de 22 de agosto: Tem sido um tempo, mas as atualizações de segunda atualização para o Minecraft 1.8 estão aqui, finalizando as atualizações para este patch há muito esperado. Há uma tonelada de coisas aqui - centenas de novos sprites para adicionar funcionalidades e opções para o novo Materiais, bem como algumas atualizações para blocos mais antigos. Há algumas atualizações da comunidade também, incluindo um novo conjunto de fotos Obtenha seu pacote hoje e aproveite o 1.8 no estilo Painterly - Nova arte definida pela incrível personalidade da internet Steven Gall, usando sua linda imagem de pixel. - Opções de tocha de parede em Bracke por Space K. Green em todas as cores de madeira. - Novo código para trazer os blocos de minério de diferentes lados Devolvem as caixas de minério adequadas. - 2 estilos de blocos fixos de minério de carvão como caixas. - 3 estilos de blocos fixos de minério de diamante como caixas e células de diamante. - 7 estilos de blocos fixos de minério de ferro - caixas, caixas de engrenagens, meias tijolos, aberturas e moedas. - 6 estilos de blocos fixos de minério de ouro - caixas, cartouche, meias tijolos e moedas. - 48 estilos de sujeira grosseira - pedra original, escura, pequena e grande, pedra escura, pedrinhas e camadas de calabasseas em todas as 6 cores de sujeira. - Detectores noturnos para todos os 14 estilos de detectores de luz. - Uma formidável 152 texturas de prismarinas - permitindo 8 estilos de prismarina em 3 cores cada, com 7 opções de cores de desvanecimento para a maioria delas. - 27 tipos de blocos de lanternas marítimas, incluindo alguns tipos de blocos de medusa, lanternas de esponja e pérolas brilhantes. - 46 novas texturas de portas, disponíveis para todas as 6 opções de porta de madeira. - 80 sprites totais para uso nas 5 texturas de arenito vermelho, 20 cada uma em areia amarela, vermelha, laranja e azulgrana. - Texturas para esponja e esponja molhada. - 8 sprites adicionais para tremonhas no inventário e capacidade de selecioná-los independentemente da tremonha. - 5 tipos de carneiro crua - haunch, chop, ribeye, t-bone e cremalheira de costelas. - 6 tipos de carneira cozida - como acima, além de uma placa de curry de cordeiro. - 3 tipos de coelho cru - haunch, hop e coelho inteiro. - 4 tipos de coelho cozido - como acima, além de uma placa de coelho assado e cenouras. - 3 tipos de ensopado de coelho - grosso, cenoura e coelho. - 5 tipos de pele de coelho - branco, dourado, marrom, manchado e sal. - 10 tipos de pele de coelho - branco, ouro, marrom, preto e sal ambos sozinhos e em uma corrente. - 14 estilos de cristal prismarino, alguns dos quais também são usados ​​com fragmentos de prismarina. - 29 tipos de fragmentos de prismarina, alguns dos quais também são usados ​​com cristais de prismarina. - 12 variedades de coelho - preto, castanho, castanho, creme, ouro, ouro espetado, cinza, sal, torrada, espetadas, brancas e caerbannog. - 7 cores de Guardian - azul, branco, vermelho e mar. - 3 cores de Elder Guardian - albino, abissal e bentônico. - 7 variedades de vigias de olho Guardian. - Nova opção de laranjeira. - Nova textura de base para banners. - 5 estilos de suporte de armadura - bases de pedra escuras, leves, mazmorras, gelo e mármore. - 2 estilos de padrões de banner - bordas clássicas e nítidas. - 2 estilos do gráfico portal ender - clássico e cósmico. - 4 estilos de forcefield mundial - clássico, stardust e 2 tipos de holodeck. - Novas opções de gui para seleções de servidor e para espectáculos de entretenimento. - Offlawn mod atualizado pela Cannibal Vox para Forge Minecraft versões 1.6.4 e 1.7.2 - Re-habilitado Offlawn texturas no personalizador em Mods. Atualização do 17 de março: uma nova atualização para trazer Painterly até 1.8 compatibilidade de legitimação 14w11b Além de um punhado de texturas para blocos principalmente relacionados a gemas e argila endurecida, esse patch também adiciona uma tonelada de novas opções para os novos blocos de limo e o Três tipos de pedra decorativa. Além disso, esta atualização reativou o suporte de modificação para os mods Peaceful Pack e Apicultura, atualizados pela fantástica superdotora de internet Caleb Manley - Certifique-se de verificá-los - Atualizou todas as animações que bloqueiam bloqueios para funcionar melhor com o novo formato do pacote de recursos . - GUI atualizado para mesas encantadoras para o novo sistema enchantador 1.8. - Adicionado novos widgets para a funcionalidade de transmissão. - Adicionado novas opções de argila tingida de estilo natural e azul gelado em texturas suaves e realistas para espelhar as opções mesa, com base em solicitações de fãs. - Adicionado logs de acácia de laranja com base em solicitações de ventilador. - Adicionado folhas floridas para árvores. - Adicionado 3 novos blocos de minério de minério de diamante pequeno escuro. - Adicionado 12 novos pequenos blocos de gemas para esmeraldas, em cores esmeralda, safira, topázio e ametista. - Adicionado 3 novos pequenos blocos de gemas para blocos de minério de Redstone. - Adicionado 3 novos pequenos blocos de gemas para blocos de minério de lapis lazuli. - Adicionado pequenos ícones de inventário de gemas para todas as novas opções de bloco de minério. - Adicionado pequena inserção de gema em opções de bloco de moldura de madeira para todas as versões de novas jóias pequenas. - Adicionado 19 opções para portas de armadilha de ferro, das quais 14 são novas. - Adicionado novo arco em estilo chinês criado pela DietPepsi1997. - Adicionado estilo de guirlanda de pipoca para agulhas de pinheiro para fins decorativos com opções de natal. - Adicionado 43 tipos decorativos de pedra, muitos novos e antigos: madeira mística, concreto, pedra laranja 4x, basalto frio, basalto quente, 2x granito, 2x pedra calabouço, 2x andesita, 4x ardósia, diorita, mármore branco, mármore, 6x gelo compacto , 5x ósseis, 2x pedras gritantes, 3x pedra escura, 3x pedra clara e 3 tipos de arbustos decorativos de pinheiros. - Adicionado 109 tipos de pedra decorativa polida, muitos novos e antigos: 2x madeira mística, concreto 3x, pedra laranja 7x, basalto 6x fresco, basalto 6x quente, granito 5x, pedra de calabasseada 4x, andesita 6x, ardósia 18x, diorite 5x, branco 7x Mármore, mármore 7x, gelo compacto 17x, 2x arpício, 2x pedras gritantes, 5x pedra escura, 5x pedra clara e 2 tipos de arbustos ornamentais de pinheiros. - Adicionado 5 novas texturas para mobs Endermite. - Propagou algumas opções de cristal de quartzo marrom de detectores de luz para blocos de quartzo. - Corrigido bug no personalizador relacionado a corantes roxos. - Corrigido bug no customizador relacionado a galhos de gelo mirrodin. - Suporte de modificação Re-enabled para mods Peace and Pack e Beekeeping. Você pode verificá-los AQUI - Novas texturas para pacotes pacíficos: 15 variedades de superfícies para amêijoas Ender. - Novas texturas para Pacote Pacífico: 4 fundos, 5 lados e 5 tops para ovos Ghast. - Novas texturas para o Pacote Pacífico: 2 sprites para Barras de Ferro - Novas texturas para o Pacote Pacífico: 16 tipos de casca para Árvores Kindling, 7 novas. - Novas texturas para pacotes pacíficos: 35 tipos de tocos para árvores de amassar, 31 deles novos. - Novas texturas para pacotes pacíficos: 17 tipos de folhas para Kindling Trees, 5 novas. - Novas texturas para pacotes pacíficos: 8 tipos de blocos de ovos de aranha. - Novas texturas para Apicultura: Bee blaster - Novas texturas para Apicultura: 10 tipos de pão de mel. - Novas texturas para Apicultura: 7 tipos de biscoito de mel. - Novas texturas para Apicultura: adicionados 4 sprites de abelha adicionais. Atualização de 25 de outubro: Esta atualização adiciona as 1.7 texturas restantes para a versão 1.7 completa, incluindo vitrais, as novas opções de árvore e areia vermelha - 15 tipos de vitrais, incluindo uma variedade de painéis de tela plana, vidro de estilo clássico e vários Opções de vitrais. - 5 novas opções de vidro - painel em forma de ouro, vitrais, simples, monitor e estilo lightstone. - 6 novas texturas de casca, opções adicionais para carvalhos cobertos e árvores de acácia. - 40 novas opções de prancha de madeira - todos os 10 estilos de prancha em 4 novas cores: laranja, branco, marrom profundo e avelã. - Nova opção nobre para diamantes extravagantes, redstone, lapis, ouro, prata e esmeralda. - Alterados nomes atualizados para todas as plantas de tamanho duplo - eles deveriam trabalhar novamente agora. Também adicionou a opção clássica de fernos a grama Biome Double-High. - 4 novas cores de areia com base nas opções de argila e opções para usar cada uma delas como areia vermelha. - 10 gráficos de inventário de carrinho de comando para combinar vários blocos de comando - adicionados automaticamente com base em sua escolha de bloco de comando. Atualização de 20 de setembro: uma grande atualização para preparar Painterly para a versão 1.7 Este pacote de pré-lançamento é compatível com sua versão 1.6 do Minecraft, mas também tem uma série de novas opções e recursos para aqueles que já utilizam os prereleases. Nós também temos um novo visual no site, como parte de nossos 20 milhões de downloads de celebração. Como sempre, obrigado a todos os que usam Painterly e continuam a apoiar o site - suas contribuições mantêm o site em execução e mantêm-se viável para continuar Para atualizar com o mesmo volume e qualidade que você espera. Todo o pouco ajuda - o feed do Twitter está de volta e funcionando no site, graças à ajuda da celebridade da internet Capitão Capacitor - Atualizações menores para gráficos e layout do site para facilitar o leitor e descobrir onde você está indo. - 10 novos tipos de opções de cobertura de grama, incluindo 4 tipos de cobertura de podzol, capa de folha, pétalas, podzol clássico e opções de outono. - Todas as opções de pastagem não biomas (incluindo as novas) também estão disponíveis como opções Podzol. - 81 substituições especiais para tops Podzol com coisas como flores, cogumelos, etc., para substituir podzol match com sua grama normal. - 9 variedades de capim e fernas de altura alta - selvagem, gramado, feno, samambaia, arbusto, bambu e 3 tipos de arbustos topiários. - 41 novas opções de flores, trazendo opções de flores para mais de 100 Disponível para cada tipo de flor. - As novas flores incluem: brotos de bambu, tulipas, alium, linho, gengibre, cattails, folhas, oxeyes, orquídeas, estátuas de creeper, papoilas, arbustos de pinheiro e mais - 52 opções de flores de altura máxima para uso com as 3 flores básicas de altura dupla . - As novas flores de altura alta incluem: rosas, siringas, arbustos topiários, milho, uvas, bambu, plantas tropicais, cactos, cogumelos, estátuas de creeper, e mais - 9 estilos de hastes de girassol - simples, exuberante e pré-cobertas de ouro , Variedades brancas, vermelhas e misturadas. - 9 estilos de flores de girassol - redondo agrupado em ouro, branco, vermelho e misturado, girassol e poinsétia. - 7 novas espécies de peixes para todos os tipos de peixes - sopa tropical, peixe clown, mudfish, bluefin, água-viva e peixes esqueletais. - 15 novas opções de peixe cozido, incluindo vários bifes de peixe, opções de sushi, medusa cozida e ossos de peixe. - Opção de torrada em fatias para pão. - 5 novas opções para o gelo padrão - estilos médios, lisos, rachados e Mirrodin. - 18 opções para o gelo embalado - 5 novas opções de icecube e, em seguida, várias opções existentes de neve, gelo e cascalho. - 4 das novas texturas compactas de icecube também adicionadas a opções de calçada para aqueles que usam temas de inverno. - Opção natural adicionada para corantes - pétalas, folhas, raízes, sementes, etc. - Opções adequadas de pétala macia para certos corantes como alternativas, adicionou opções de tigelas simples para certos corantes como alternativas. - Mudou corantes roxos, magenta e cinza claro para suas próprias categorias de opções para melhor trabalhar com novas opções de flores. - Mudou a argila endurecida básica para sua própria categoria de opções separada da argila endurecida tingida. - Adicionado 4 opções básicas de argila endurecida - mesa elegante e 3 opções Extrabiomes de pedra vermelha. - Adicionado 2 novos tipos de argila endurecida tingida em esquemas de cores da mesa - argila endurecida original e pedra extravagante. - Adicionou esfregas vermelhas Extrabiomes, esfregões de terra firme e papoulas para opções de planta do deserto. - Adicionado 9 novos tipos de cascalho temático, com base em texturas de areia e netherrack existentes, bem como uma textura de coral. - Adicionado opções de cascalho de mar profundo e coral para opções de rocha. - Adicionado Zennygils submeteu pólo de pesca e barra de ouro sprites. - Adicionado Fuego Fishs linho roxo e duas opções de fernas de altura. - Adicionado setas GUI para pacotes de recursos, conquistas e widgets. - Adicionado diversos widgets do servidor para arquivos GUI. - Adicionado ícones de mapa para mapas de jogadores. - CONFIGURAÇÃO: corrigiu um erro em que as seleções de explosão não assumiriam sempre a geração de pacotes. - FIXO: corrigiu texturas de jukebox faltando. - CONFIGURAÇÃO: vários nomes de arquivo incorretos incorretos para opções antigas. Atualização do 8 de julho: Esta é uma pequena atualização para corrigir um punhado de erros que se introduziram durante a atualização 1.6, embora também adicione uma nova textura de forno por solicitação de ventilador que contenha mais valores de fundição. - Corrigido vários erros em relação a texturas incorretas sendo aplicadas em pacotes de recursos (principalmente com folhas, arbustos, opções de tabela de criação). - Adicionado uma GUI de forno de luxo com mais valores de fundição (todos os principais tipos de material, exceto meias lajes). - Esperando mais informações para o suporte de modificação para o formato 1.6, começou a trabalhar em opções para reaparecer de CTM, bem como para opções de som personalizáveis. Atualização de 1º de julho: uma grande atualização para rodar no Minecraft 1.6, esta atualização adiciona mais de 330 novos arquivos de textura e inclui suporte para o novo sistema de pacotes de recursos, o sistema de cavalos e mais Infelizmente, vários dos mods estão quebrados no momento devido Para o novo sistema de Pacotes de Recursos que mudam as coisas, mas serão colocadas de volta online como opções, uma vez que se tornam viáveis. Aproveite os novos pacotes de recursos - Pacote atualizado para usar o novo sistema Resource Pack. Isso, infelizmente, é incompatível com versões anteriores do Minecraft. Use o modo legado para essas versões. - 7 novas opções para blocos de argila tingida, bem como versões de bloco de argila de 6 opções de bloco tingidas. (19 texturas por opção) - 13 opções de lado do feno, incluindo trigo, folhas, uvas e até mesmo carne - 12 opções de alto do feno, para combinar as opções laterais. - 16 opções adicionais de tronco de tronco para árvores de bétula. - 42 opções de desligamento para trilhos de detectores, uma para cada tipo de trilho de detector já faz parte do pacote. - 9 tipos de bardos de cavalos, divididos entre diamantes, ouro e ferro. - 4 novas opções de carvão ou carvão vegetal. - 3 tipos de cílios de corda - seda de aranha, corda ou couro. - 5 opções de identificação de nome. - 5 novas opções de gui para o medidor de salto de cavalos, incluídas ao lado das mais antigas opções do tipo gui. - Novo gui para inventário de cavalos. - Novas capas para todos os tipos de cavalos padrão. - Nova opção de bloco de notas estilo mario para blocos de notas. - 3 tipos de cavalos mortos-vivos - zombie pintor, zumbi azul e sem cabeça. - 4 tipos de cavalos esqueletais - um para cada opção de cor de esqueleto normal e inferior. - 8 tipos de opções de sobreposição de cavalos - pés brancos, manchas brancas, runas brancas, manchas brancas, manchas pretas, manchas pretas, okapi e pernas de robôs. - Adicionado opções de customizadores para as opções de 1.6 expandidas (toques de log diferentes, carvão versus carvão, blocos de notas, etc.) - Suporte de modificação não-funcional removido temporariamente - retornará quando forem compatíveis com pacotes de textura de recursos novamente. Atualização de 29 de março: Este é um patch de manutenção bastante pequeno - ele corrige vários bugs encontrados quando a Painterly foi atualizada para a compatibilidade 1.5 e corrige alguns problemas com as GUIs Forge and Dispenser. O modelo OffLawn também foi atualizado para a compatibilidade e exige uma nova geração de pacotes para usar com o mod, embora agora, ele funciona com os mods de biomes mais populares, também - Atualizado OffLawn para Cannibal Voxs 1.5.1 codebase, Usa formatos de textura 1.5 minecraft adequados agora. Agora compatível com a maioria dos mods de modificação de biome populares (ex. Extrabiomes XL) - Corrigido 1,5 erro re: Forge, Dispenser e Dropper GUIs. - Corrigido 1,5 erro re: texturas de distribuidor incorretas. - Corrigido 1,5 erro re: texturas de cursor incorretas. - Corrigido 1,5 erro re: textura de caixa incorreta para cofres de armazenamento reforçados. - Corrigido 1,5 erro: Algumas texturas de arbusto do deserto. - Corrigido 1,5 erro re: certas texturas netherrack. - Corrigido 1,5 erro re: falha gráfica com estilos de arco ornamentado. - Melhorar a estabilidade do site e o desempenho do servidor na parte traseira e corrigir a chamada de sub-rotina incorreta - deve resultar em muito menos pacotes falidos para gerar. - Opção Mystic Wood adicionada para tábuas de troncos com base em texturas de Matt Caughey. - Começou a colocar o código de base para o suporte de modificação Amazo Pack 1.5 - para ser lançado em um próximo patch. Atualização do 16 de fevereiro: Um grande patch - o maior ainda Por trás das cenas, minha equipe de web-wizards e eu trabalhamos por mais de 6 semanas consecutivas Para converter o pacote no novo formato 1.5, representando centenas de horas combinadas de mão-de-obra. Enquanto o personalizador pode parecer mais ou menos o mesmo, toda a coragem da coisa mudou para entregar os novos pacotes. Acredite em mim, essa não foi uma tarefa pequena, então espero que todos apreciem a milha extra que vamos aqui para Painterly. ) Um agradecimento especial às pessoas que fizeram essa mudança possível - cbox, PJB, maou, lizzy, Marux, Read e Monicro, e para o contínuo apoio moral, paciência com minhas frustrações e ajuda de toda a equipe da Gooncraft. Você notará que, porque muitos itens tiveram que mudar, infelizmente, suas senhas antigas não funcionarão com o novo sistema completamente, no entanto, não poderia ser prevenido. Desculpas, mas pelo menos novas senhas devem continuar a funcionar normalmente. Além da conversão 1.5, você também verá uma grande variedade de itens extras que eu coloquei para completar a coleção, por assim dizer. Heres uma lista de tudo incluído no patch Minecraft 1.5 para Painterly: - Conversão de textura de todos os arquivos em formato 1.5. - Kit de desenvolvimento para download substituído por um novo contendo todas as texturas de formato 1.5 em pasta alternativa. - Modo Legacy adicionado ao Customizer para todos os usuários que ainda utilizam o Minecraft 1.4.7 e versões anteriores. - Mods não suportados suspensos do personalizador (serão re-adicionados quando as versões estáveis ​​forem re-lançadas que não adicionarão itens na modificação). - nova opção GUI para o item Hopper. - novas opções de madeira para artesanato e GUI de peito nas cores de madeira modernas (castanha, noz, envelhecidas, cru). - opção vertical para ícones de inventário de fogos de artifício. - Todas as 3 variedades de ícones de tijolos em 14 estilos de Nether Brick. - Minério de quartzo inferior em 4 estilos (clássico, simples, rpg, bismuto) para todos os 23 estilos de netherrack. - Ícones de quartzo inferior em 12 estilos. - Blocos de quartzo inferiores em 48 estilos para várias partes de pilares, blocos, blocos cinzelados, etc. - 14 tipos de tops de detecção de luz, em mármore, basalto e variantes de cristal. - 9 tipos de lados do detector de luz, em mármore, basalto e variantes de cristal. - 32 variedades de bloco de redstone - opções de pedra vermelha, opções de vetores de mármore e estilos de bonegarlandjelly, também - Propagaram várias texturas fósseis existentes para redstone oreinventory icons. - 6 estilos de Redstone Comparators, para combinar os estilos do repetidor. - 3 estilos de ícones de inventário do comparador, para coincidir com os repetidores. - 4 blocos de borda escura de estilo clássico para esmeraldas nas cores Emerald, Topaz, Sapphire e Amethyst. - 36 opções para espigões de posicionamento do tecto e do doseador. - 24 opções adicionais adicionadas ao rosto do distribuidor, e propogaram todas as opções do distribuidor para o conta-gotas também. - 5 novos estilos de forja, 2 de pedra clara e escura, 1 de gelo. - 3 estilos de arenito de gelo e neve (opções de 4 ctm) para pacotes de textura temáticos de inverno. - 10 novos estilos de paralelepípedos gelados para pacotes de textura temáticos de inverno. - Escadas em todas as 4 novas cores de madeira em estilo clássico e de alto contraste. - Abanador branco, preto, ferro e ouro, com inventário correspondente e ícones de carrinho. - Ícones do carrinho TNT para cada estilo existente da TNT. - 5 estilos de trilhos do Activator, para todos os 11 estilos de trilhos. - Painel e opções clássicas de pedra de borda escura em 2 estilos para cada cor, como forjar toppers e opções de paralelepípedos. - Estilo de bloco de perigo para placas de meia quadra de pedra lisa. - Opção de xisto escuro liso para pederneira e firestarter. - Esconderijo de estilo clássico marrom para couro. - 3 novas opções de haste incandescente para Bee Hell, também adicionaram gota de mel para opções de bola de fogo. - 7 novas opções de bola de lima, lodo separado e bolas de bolacha em categorias separadas de customizadores. - Opção de costelas para bife e carne de porco, mudou bife cozido e cru, carne de porco e frango em categorias separadas de customizadores. - Opção de trigo em cores de bioma desbotadas para dar um melhor contraste. - Cara mononoke propagada para todas as opções de flores. - Armaduras de estilo plano para ouro e diamante, incluindo opção de capacete alternativo para diamante. - 7 estilos de relógio - digital, pocketwatch e clássico em uma variedade de faces. - 3 estilos de bússola - clássico, de alto contraste e digital. - 4 estilos de fogo animado - clássico, dourado, vermelho e verde. - 9 estilos de lava animada - clássica, laranja (fluxo estagnado), mel (fluxo estagnado), sangue (fluxo estagnado), lodo (fluxo stagnant slimepool). - 4 estilos de água animada - clássico, escuro, leve e sangue. - Muitos blocos existentes foram adicionados como opções para os fundos do menu. - Dark style de pedra demi creeper. - Opção de lobo domesticado e tingido. - Azul escuro e azul escuro com opções de lodo. - Adicionado a opção Manibogis Tsuchinoko para Silverfish. - Versão de todos os 6 estilos de lima inferior sem a boca. - Versão apicultora do esqueleto de Wither para Bee Hell. - Bee Lord, versão de blaze para Bee Hell. Atualização de 20 de dezembro: tenha um feliz Natal e um feliz ano novo com esta pequena atualização que expande Painterly à compatibilidade do Minecraft 1.4.6 Como sempre, o trabalho continua a expandir Painterly para aumentar o suporte para 1.5 e para mods, nos bastidores. - Adicionado 8 novas opções de livros em bandas para livros encantados, utilizáveis ​​em outros tipos de livros também. - Adicionado 7 opções para estrelas de fogos de artifício - bolas claras e escuras, pedaços e pólvora em papel, bem como cabeças de creeper. - Adicionado 6 opções para foguetes de fogos de artifício - setas de bomba, foguetes de estilo clássico e um dispositivo de refém - Adicionado uma opção sashimi para peixe cozido. - Adicionado uma textura de esquis. - Opções de caixa atualizadas para incluir os cofres de férias. - Efeitos de partículas atualizados para incluir os novos efeitos de partículas. Atualização do 13 de dezembro: continuando nossa tendência de adaptar o suporte a modificações, este patch adiciona suporte para modificações CTM e Extrabiomes XL, bem como alguns outros brindes. O novo back-end parece pronto para ir, mas vamos colocá-lo em espera até vermos os novos requisitos de 1,5 pacote de textura da Mojang, pois pode exigir algum retrabalho no nosso fim. Então, desculpe antecipadamente se você ainda estiver tendo problemas com o sistema de senha - será resolvido quando o novo back-end for incluído no site. Eu tentei ser bastante extenso com o suporte de modificação para esses dois mods populares e apresentar o seguinte: - Um novo ícone de pacote para celebrar o OffLawn - 8 novas texturas de peixe pelo Shadowclaimer. - 3 new tree bark options - 2 new bookcase options - 18 new flower options including echinacea, morningglory, babys breath, and classic-style red and yellow flowers. - 10 new glass panewindow options. - 23 new leaf options, including several autumn leaf textures, and classic style leaves in a variety of colours. - 24 new types of log interiors, largely for Extrabiomes XL support. - 9 new types of mushrooms. - Nugget style ore for iron and lapis lazuli, in dark and light stone, and encased in ice. - 1 new type of ornamental sandstone. - 7 new sandstone blocks. - 25 new sapling options, largely for Extrabiomes XL support. - 6 wide beam options for beacons. - CTM: 38 connected bookcase textures. - CTM: 31 connected sandstone textures. - CTM: 89 connected glass textures, including RPG and chinese-style options by Foxx Ramos, and classic painterly ones by The Voyage. - Extrabiomes XL: 5 wasteland terrain options, including the original wastelands texture by the Extrabiomes XL team. - Extrabiomes XL: 5 quicksand options. - Extrabiomes XL: 24 new red stone options split between smooth stone, cobble, brick, and half blocks. - Extrabiomes XL: 16 options for the two types of mountain ridge red grass. - Extrabiomes XL: 24 options for the three types of wasteland grass. - Extrabiomes XL: 6 autumn shrub options. - Extrabiomes XL: 7 types of swamp roots. - Extrabiomes XL: 5 cattail options, with 2 cattail inventory icon options. - Extrabiomes XL: 14 leaf pile options. - Extrabiomes XL: 18 large tree bark textures. - Extrabiomes XL: 20 large tree interior textures. - Extrabiomes XL: 5 types of log turners. - Extrabiomes XL: 3 varieties of scarecrow - spooky, red and blue. Nov 11th update: To celebrate 10,000,000 Painterly Pack downloads, were introducing the first official Painterly Mod, lovingly entitled offLawn Using the handy link on the main page, you can check out all the features and recipes this simple but versatile mod adds, and of course, select from a large variety of entertaining textures for the mod to match your Painterly worlds. You will require Forge to use this mod - a download link for that is also found on the same page. A huge thank you to Slinky, who did all the real gruntwork of coding this mod for the pack, and also to the fine folks of Gooncraft, and the Minecraft community at large without whom Painterly would have never been possible Thank you - Added all existing grass options to the lawn block option for offLawn. - Added 6 new sunflower seed sprites, along with several existing seed options to the sunflower seed options for offLawn. - Added 9 sunflower options for offLawn, including several types of sunflowers, large shrubs, and cornstalks. - Added 42 beanstalk options for offLawn - a variety of plain, flowered, sunflower, and redbean options in green, woody or dead sunflower, jungle vine, or leafy stalks. - Temporarily removed preview tool until new back end is in place due to server issues - for now, link has been replaced with the offLawn link. Oct 22nd update: Its been a while, but here we are - Painterly Pack for Minecraft 1.4 Lots of new options here, of course fleshing out all the new stuff with tie-ins to the older items that youve come to expect by now, and a handful of community additions as well. Coming down the pipes after this should be (finally) the new backend coding to finally allow proper mod support, starting with the CTM and Randomobs mods. Fingers crossed Heres what you can expect this time: - New paintings files for every existing paintings file, to accomodate the new 2x2 painting. - Wither status condition GUI item. - 1.4 particle effects included in particle effects options. - 1.4 health bars updated to show withered health in normal and hardcore modes. - Zombies and Zombie Pigmen updated to 1.4 compatibility. - Beacon GUI added. - 4 Variants on the Repair GUI added, including light and dark labels, and with or without icons. - Updated Creeper armor file. - Added black and red Wither armor files. - Updated all existing cloth armor options for new dye option - all armors available in both original and dyeable forms. - 6 variants on Wither - black and red classic skeleton, 3-eyed skeleton, and glowing eye skeleton. - Witch available in all standard villager types as well as alternate universe Zoidberg villager. - 6 variant bats - brown bats, grey bats, castlevania bats, bat skeletons, zubats, and batman. - Updated wolves to accept dyed collars. - 36 variants of zombie villager to allow all applicable zombie and villager combinations for heads. - 14 variants on Wither Skeleton - black and red in all standard skeleton models, plus a couple 3-eyed variants. - MaskHead items added for all variants of zombie, skeleton, wither skeleton and creeper. - 3 player MaskHead options - Steve, anonymous, and smiley. - Added Pearl ender pearleye of enderender chest options by Fuzzball Fox. - Added box ender chest option by Fuzzball Fox. - Added lament configuration ender chest option by thehengeprophet. - Added palantir eye of ender by Roger Hughes. - Added alternate pine sapling, smooth-style sandstone, mirrored-faced jack-o-lantern, and geared dungeon piston back sprites by ZennyGil. - 13 variants on item frame backgrounds, including classic, leather, cloth and crushed velvet in a variety of colours. - 3 types pf ground crops growth - plants, flowering plants, and leafy growth. - 5 types of ground crops - carrot, potato, beet, turnip, and strawberry, available for both types of ground crop. - Gold crop, crop on a stick, poison crop and cooked crop for all 5 types of ground crops. - 11 variants on pumpkin pie to match all types of pumpkin options, including rock and snowman pies. - 10 variants on the nether star, including classic, skullpiles, open and closed lament configurations, open and closed runeboxes, and a lichs phylactery. - 14 types of control blocks, in classic, stone, redstone, and other styles. - 6 types of vases - 4 fired clay vases, orange planters pot, and super mario style pipe. - 4 types of anvils - dark iron, shiny iron, golden, and white enamel. - 12 varieties of inventory icons for vases - all 6 types with and without plants in them. - 12 new emerald block items - zelda-style, stars on black obsidian, and stars on violet obsidian, in all 4 gemstone colours. - 9 styles of Beacon block frame. - 16 varieties of beacon beams in a myriad of blue, pink and gold colours. - Randomobs support for all 1.4 mobs. July 30th update: A minor patch while I continue to work on a few back end things and general site maintenance. Mostly just polishing stuff for the official 1.3 release I hope everyone is as excited for 1.3 as I am - Touched up a few textures, fixed a few tiling issues. You probably wont notice. - Last minute touchups on creative inventory, search and allitems guis. - Fixed alignment and pointer issues with trading guis. - Back end code updates. June 30th update: This patch (hopefully) finalizes Painterly for the long-awaited 1.3 release It also continues the propogation of the new wood colours, adds several new community submissions, and several other goodies With any luck, this will be the last update on the old back-end as the new one is nearing completion and will enable a lot more possibilities for things such as proper mod support. What to look out for: TOOLS AND FOOD - Tripwire handles in iron or gold, as well as in all 6 wood colours. - 3 styles of tripwire cords. - Added following options for trapdoors in 4 new wood colours: plain slab, 4-panel window, glass window, mesh window, ornate. - Added following options for bookcases in 4 new wood colours: updated books, shelf style 1, shelf style 2, stockings, wine racks. - Added following options for record players in 4 new wood colours: speaker turntable, speaker sliders. - Added following options for ladders in 4 new wood colours: treehouse ladders, rope ladders. - Added following options for beds in 4 new wood colours: beige beds, tables. - Added following options for torches in 4 new wood colours: classic, glass, accordion, small accordion. - Added following options for redstone torches in 4 new wood colours: plain, accordion, small accordion. - Added following options for enchanting tables in 4 new wood colours: simple style, default style. - Added following options for lamps in 4 new wood colours: SMP-style, candle box, weave lamp, glowstone shale. - Added levers in all 4 new wood colours. - Added quiver options in all 3 arrow colours by Foxx Ramos for both arrow and quiver texture options. - Added 2 meat cleaver options by Fuzzballfox for shears and iron swords. - Added variant iron and gold hybrid tools to iron and gold tool sets, recoloured by Roger Hughes. - Added 2 variant wood sword options recoloured by Foxx Ramos. - 2 new stick icons touched up from submissions by Roger Hughes. - Separated paper options from book options in customizer, added new paper texture by Roger Hughes, and another based off of it. - Added 5 new map icons in the new paper style. - Added the peaceful pack flax strands to the string options. - Added glass jar of gunpowder to gunpowder options by Roger Hughes. - Added submarine sandwich option to bread, cooked pork, cooked steak by Roger Hughes. - Added beekeeping mod honey glazed pork to cooked pork options. - Added steak and eggs to cooked steak options. - Added breaded fish platter (based on design by Roger Hughes) and ika sushi options to cooked fish. - Added garbage option to rotting meat. TERRAIN - 38 options for emerald ore, including repurposed mystic ores gems (emerald, topaz, sapphire, amethyst) and gold options. - A new gold nugget option for gold ore. - 18 emerald block options - 4 styles for emerald, topaz, sapphire and amethyst, as well as 2 gold options. - 47 emerald icons from a large mix of newrepurposed textures, including various gem forms, gold nuggets, money bags, and coins. - A fix for smooth lapis lazuli blocks and a new lapis lazuli block by Roger Hughes. - Added one of the mystic ores sapphire styles to lapis lazuli ore options. - Added several mystic ores sapphire styles to lapis lazuli icon options. - Added new redstone ore icon by Roger Hughes, as well as a new redstone ore texture based on that icon. - Added rupee and chaos emerald options for redstone ore icons, as well as made them options for the unused ruby icon. - 6 new-style gravel options in various lumpy and crushed stone to better emulate the new official style the crushed types also available as cobblestone. - Added following options for glass in 4 new wood colours: modern windows, classic windows, thin trellis and thick trellis. - Added following options for glowstone in 4 new wood colours: SMP-style, candle box, weave lamp. - Added RPG and Fancy RPG window options in all 6 wood colours by Foxx Ramos. - Added large brick sandstone texture by Braeden, and large plain panel sandstone texture for regular and decorative sandstone. - Added rough block half slab and decorative stone textures by Braeden, in light and dark stone. - Added new smooth loose cobblestone option in light and dark stone by Braeden, to smooth stone and cobblestone options. - Added 2 smooth loose mossy cobblestone options based on textures by Braeden, as well as white and red flower variants of these options, to mossy cobblestone. - Added a rusted grate iron block option by Roger Hughes. OBJECTS - 8 styles of ender chest - purple and cyan eye chests in black, purple or magma obsidian, and marble chests with black or purple obsidian. - 10 new small chests - simple and classic versions in the 4 new wood colours, the original temporary placeholder painterly chest, and a fridge by Fuzzballfox. - 8 new large chests - simple and classic versions in the 4 new wood colours. - new storage cart icons for all new chest types. - 10 new signs - smooth wood signs for light and dark wood, and classic and smooth versions for all 4 new wood colours. GUI AND FIXES - Added gui options for new creative gui menus - inventory, search, and tabs. - Added 3 options for trading menu gui - plain, stone buttons, and stone trading area. - Updated icons. png for compatibility with new server options. - Added a crystal torch lightmap option submitted by Braeden. - Added dragon health bar gui to options for experience bars. - Fixed a bug involving using pre-made packs with cocoa pods. - Fixed a bug involving the old feather options. May 16th update: This patch adds several options to prepare Painterly for the 1.3 release Furthermore, it begins expansion of the new wood colours into the other options, beginning with doors, boats, minecarts and crafting tables. Several fixes have also been added, and next update were hoping to push out the new coding backend This time around you can look forward to: - 2 new wood textures, in all 6 wood colours. - Expanded base wood textures to all 6 wood colours. - Crafting table options expanded into the 4 new wood colours. - Boat options expanded into the 4 new wood colours. - Cart options expanded into all 6 wood colours. - 3 popular door options expanded into the 4 new wood colours. - 4 font options added. - 4 gui options for writable books: black, brown, white wine, red wine. - 3 new feather options, fixed older feather graphics. - 3 arrow options added for various coloured feathers with arrows. - 13 new book options for basicwritten books. - 29 book quill options for combinations of booksfeathers. - Squid option added for fish. - Dark stone rough hewn sword added. - Added invisible option for biome triangles. - Happysocks creeper - 2 adventure skeletons added by Roger Hughes - 6 types of cocoa pods added - classic, brown, green, yellow, berry and mushroom. - 4 types of tall grass added - long quad, short quad, ferns, and curlferns. - More backend coding updates and testing. Mar. 23rd update: This patch updates Painterly to Minecraft 1.2.4 functionality. Although not a lot of new blocks were added, absolute gobs of new options were added for them, because thats just how we roll. A few community requests and fixes were also added. Featured items in this patch are: - Added a miniature sandworm option for desert shrubs. - Added shrub bushes option for tall grass in all 6 colour sets. - Fixed issue with Autumn biome shaders not downloading properly. - Added large flower mossy cobblestone options for cobble and brick. - Added 59 (yes 59) decorative stone options for ornamental stone blocks. Includes several existing and new textures, as well as flat marble and basalt options. - Added 23 decorative sandstone options for ornamental sandstone blocks. Includes several existing textures, as well as a few glyph, sand garden, and square block options. - Added pillar graphics, with 3 types of top, 3 types of bottom, and 3 types of column to choose from, which you can mix and match. Use a top, middle and bottom with the 3 new ornamanetal blocks to make marble pillars - Added marble pillar option for dyed cloth and dyes. - Tweaked several old wood plank textures. - Added chestnut, raw wood, aged wood, and pecan wood plank options for all 8 wood plank styles, for the 3 decorative wood plank options. - Reticulated splines. Feb 26th update: This patch adds 1.2 compatibility, as well as expands several existing textures into new categories, and adds a handful of fun new options, as well. Several new biome options due to popular demand, as well as a veritable swarm of cats. New MCPatcher compatibility options include biome shaders for pine, birch, swamp and swampgrass regions, as well as working custom lightmaps by Brae53. This time around, you can expect: - Vase variant for cauldrons. - Additional Zekey-style dyed cloth block option with varying patterns. - Wave and Burst booster rail options for all track types. - Biome version of the RPG grass. - Candy jellybean option for redstone ore to match jellybean redstone wire. - Ornate bow option in 3 styles. - Cherry option to replace apples. - All existing lightmaps updated to MCPatcher compatibility by Brae53. - Giant brick (by Mug of Bro), aged brick, and rough stone and mortar brick options. - Rough stone and large stone options for bricks. Separated bricks from brick icon options. - Added corn crops, and several new types of crop seedscorn-based wheat and bread. - Separated seeds, bread and wheat from crop choices, added several existing seedsfood items to these options. - Added alchemy table GUI without bottles. - Added 9 new biome options: seasonal, harvest, golden harvest, surreal, emerald, dark emerald, green swamp, brown swamp, and wasteland. - Added option to include MCPatcher files for swamp biome, swamp grass, pine trees and birch trees. - Added machete graphic to shears options. - Added bone torches to torch options. - Added soul sand skulls options to end stone options. - Added several wooden trellis options to metal fence options. - Added grey nether stone options to cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, and cracked cobblestone. - 11 new EXP potion options. - 31 new lamp options. - 6 new sapling options. - 8 new tree bark options, including jungle tree bark and several monster barks. - 17 new jungle-themed leaf options. - 15 cat options: Roamin, orange tabby, grey tabby, white, black, tuxedo, mottled, calico, tortoiseshell, tiger, siamese, ocelot, revolver ocelot, Johnny Cat, and meowshroom. - 12 golem options: light and dark stone golems in plain, red flower and yellow flower, laputa golems in new, aged and overgrown, iron golems in new and classic style, and a redstone-powered robot. - Back-end updates continue. Feb 4th update: Weve done a massive site overhaul, largely thanks to the efforts of master internet coder extraordinaire, Pixotic In addition to a more modernized layout and several new graphics and widgets, this long-needed overhaul paves the way for a more ambitious back-end overhaul down the road that will make things run much more smoothly and allow for even faster updates. Some new items to check out on the site: - Added new widgets for patch notes and donations (which youve found if youre here.) - Added a twitter feed widget. Subscribe to get all the lastest Painterly news - Moved previews to their own section, available from the main page. - Randomized preview footer on the main page - tons of neato screenshots to see - Better looking and more intergrated ad layouts, to make things a little nicer looking, as well as hopefully keep the site afloat. ) - GoodDog font support for all sorts of little bits and pieces such as headers and important notice text. - Site should display more consistently in all browsers - code is standardized and updated to css and php. - Several backend updates you probably will never see or notice. Jan 20th update: A mini-update with a couple left-over items that didnt make it into the telethon graphics package in time. Also included are screenshots of all the new Telethon mobs, thanks to courageous war photographer LizzyintheSky. Woohoo This time around, you can expect to find: - Fixed graphical issue with Gygas moon. - Fixed graphical issue with spider eyes on Telethon spiders. - Fixed graphical issue with Endermen eyes on Bendermen and SCP-173. - Fixed a few incorrect telethon credits and typos in customizer. - Added windblown snow option as sand, snow, and grass cover. - Added updated NES and enhanced NES art files. - Added new inventory icons for new NES art files. - Updated customizer entries and info pages with screenshots for all new mobs. - Rotated misaligned animal bottoms to comply with 1.0 standards. - Added randomobs mod compatibility. Jan 16th update: The telethon textures are finally here Over 750 texture items created, all said and done, as part of the painterly telethon, as chosen by YOU, the viewer at home. I hope everyone enjoys this fan-driven bundle. Thank you again, everyone who made the telethon possible, and for your awesome suggestions and generous donations. You guys are the best. Check HERE to see who bid on what. Also, a huge thanks to Fuzzball Fox, who donated several bonus textures and helped in his free time. This time around, you can find: - New retro NES style paintings file - Red engineer, Blu engineer, villager, ghostly villager, roman centurion, and daedric armors. - New black book file. - Simple and reinforced chest options, as well as recursive safe chests in silver and gunsteel blue. - New watch dial and pocketwatch-style watch. - Gonzo the Great, Squidward, Zoidberg, and Testificate style villagers. - Wood Duck variant for the chicken. - Suit and tie, Bender, and alternate universe Bender endermen. - BEE HELL bee ghast with appropriate honey laternates for ghast tears. - Lava-streaked magma slime. - Bee costume and Lady Gaga meat dress zombie pigmen. - White and grey skeletons, with armor, or with a belt. - Mexican, funnelweb, and brown fuzzy striped spiders. - Squid in a cat disguise. - Roamin cat-wolves. - Silent Hill nurse-style zombie. - Simple variant mystic ores tools for mithril tools. - Cartoon and cartoon ring style suns. - Gygas and Matsumoto style moons. - Beige quilt and Ghast style beds. - Red velvet, chocolate frosting with sprinkles, key lime pie, surprise pie, christmas cake, pizza, and monster cake options for the cake. - White cauldron. - Plain Zekey-style cloth option. - Modern and primitive style crafting table options, in light and dark wood. - Tibetan cherry tree bark wood options for trees. - Aged wood log interior option. - Cedar bonsai tree sapling option. - Ornate dungeon and Saxons Fridge variants for the dispenser face. - Two new styles of dirt based on the original game textures. - Mirrodin, biome mirrodin, metal mirrodin, and rpg-style grass options. - Mirrodin-style mushroom mycelium option. - Mirrodin-style ice crystals snow option. - Mirrodin-style sand, in sand and grey, tarnished and clean, colours. - Fat-style small cacti. - Roamin the cat as flower and desert shrub options. - New smooth mushroom stem option. - Magma lava enchanting table variant. - Snowflake obsidian variant for obsidian blocks. - Handholds, and rope ladders in simpletied variants in dark, light and white wood, for ladders. - Glass, reinforced, wardrobe, windowed wardrobe, and windowed solid door options in light and dark wood. - Thick TNT stick and crash bandicoot variants for TNT blocks. - Clay jug sandstone variant for decorative purposes in creative. - Smiley face gold and iron decorative blocks. - Bismuth diamond ore and decorative blocks. - Chunk style uniform ore blocks for iron, gold and diamond, with matching icons. - Chaos emerald diamond ore blocks, with matching icons. - Geode and triple sphere style style redstone ore blocks, with matching icons. - Flat tile and planetary-style lapis lazuli decorative blocks. - Brown, green, and war of the worlds-style netherrack and nether brick. - 2 variants of ethereal glowstone. - Candy, wire, and dust versions of redstone powder trails, with matching icons. - Lightbulb, clear lightbulb, flourescent lightbulb, crystal, and glass bulb versions of torches. - White wood and industrial versions of switch handles. - Windblown barleywheat and meat versions of crops. - Various new egg textures, including speckled, robin and green. - Cave fish and cave eel fish options, as well as fished up can of spaghetti. - Peach and peach guy replacements for applesgolden apples. - Ball of yarn dye options. - Duck, goose and penguin feather options. - Borscht style mushroom stew. - Mug style potions and grenades. - Clay jug, and wood bucket in light and dark styles, as bucket alternates. - Chocolate and pudding variants for cookies. - Mushroom, apple, bread and grape style hunger bars. - Steakeye comedy steak option. - Human heart and human toe rotting zombie meat options. - Bag of gold option for gold nuggets, in 2 varieties. - Smooth style flint shard. - Meat, grain, and mononoke style plant seeds. - Ornate-covered black and brown books. - Enchanting style swords for all tool types. - Vegetable style wood tools. - Meat and dark stone style stone tools. - Plain style gold tools. - Ornate and runed style iron tools, as well as scimitar and wrench style sword options, and a unique pick. - Plain, blue runed and red runed style diamond tools, as well as a lolipop, lightsaber, and runed scimitar option set for the sword. - Monster spawning eggs in egg, bead, crystal, SCP file and SCP report variations. Dec 25th update: MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW Nov 28th update: Apologies for delays in getting the last of this update out - as those who have been in contact with me know, real live has been kicking my butt lately, between losing my old home, hospital visits, and job hunting. Apologies, however, Ive got something very special planned to mark the 5 million downloads event here at Painterly, which will be happening pretty darn soon This pack rounds out the last of the Release Candidate options that were missing, and fixes a few minor issues in current packs. Available this update is: - Fixed some ongoing minor GUI issues. - 6 Ender Dragon textures - Ender, Cosmic, Black, Red, Green and Blue. - 7 Ender Dragon egg options. - 26 Ender Crystal options - Rune Crystal and Lament Configuration options for all 13 styles of bedrock. - 4 Ender sky options. - 8 Ender crystal beam options, for the dragon healing particle beam. - 11 variations on the boss health bar. Oct 26th update: The biggest update ever Youll find it was well worth the wait - providing complete compatibility and customization for the 1.9 prereleases (except for dragons, which are coming as the End area is further developed). Over 800 new graphical items were added for this massive update, and more will be coming down the road, to be sure. This tima round, you can find: - All mobs should now have thumbnail images in customizer, thanks to CBox, Marux, RNG, Monicro, and others. - Phases for all old moon selections. - 9 new moons - shimmering shattered moon, square moon, eye, phasing harvest, phasing boneyard, eclipse, chairface chippenmoon, alienist moon, and the classic minecraft moon. - New graphic for spellbooks on enchanting tables. - New enchanting table GUI. - Added basic ice and shingles options to cracked brick blocks. - Added richer-colour new style gold ingot, and rupee diamond shard. - Added snowman charm to pumpkin seed options. - 2 new Glowstone options adapted with permission from the SMP Revival pack. - Variety grab bag of weapons (1 wood, 1 stone, 1 iron, 3 diamond, 2 gold) created by, or based on designs by internet persona bibbyboy123. - Chests and large chests in plain and fancy dark and light wood styles, green and red wrapped presents, and cardboard boxes. - 4 new explosion graphics - a donut style burst, zelda-style smoke, and two sets adapted from the Metal Slug series of video games. - Outhouse doors in dark and light wood by ThatLamer. - Small-eyed variants of the pink pig, brown pig, winged pigs, lost pig, white sheep, black sheep, cow and mooing polar bear by ThatLamer. - Mooshrooms in all 7 mushroom colours: red, toadstool orange, deathcap orange, beige, gold, autumn brown and poison blue. - 6 Blaze monster options, with netherrack, red stone, brinstar, dark stone, light stone, and obsidian blaze rods. - 7 Lava slime options, in red stone, grey stone, brinstar, black obsidian, purple obsidian, lightstone, and honey variants. - All 6 classes of villager have been redesigned from the ground up in various outfits, and come in brown and green goblin, pink and brown pig, cow, and sheep varieties - Dark biome-compliant melon vines. - Dark biome-complinant ivy vines in standard, thin, thick and ladder styles. - New Leafy ivy vine options for all 4 ivy vine colours. - 8 Lilypads - 6 in light biome, dark biome and green between two styles each, and 2 green lilypads with flowers on them. - 6 styles of Netherwort - tendril, eye, mushroom, leafy, fantasy leaves, and bee hell grubs. - New Alchemy GUI with choice of embedded round bottles, vials, or Mario-style bottles. - 2 new shelves and 1 decorative wood option for bookshelves in both wood shades. - 11 new Mycelium textures for mushroom biomes, in 3 lengths, with all 4 dirt types - 102 unique textures in all Pick from all 7 mushroom colours, roots, stem, spotted white and classic colours. - 22 nether brick options, designed to match the various netherrack textures. - 5 Spider eyes options - Bright and dull single and cluster, as well as a full set of 8. - Fermented spider eyes also available in single, cluster and set. - 13 styles of Eye of ender, including classic teal and purple eyes, basketball gag options, and several keys to match the various seals. - 7 styles of ghast fireball - stone, glowing and lava-streaked stone and obsidian, fireball and floating eye. - 18 items used in various combinations of blaze rod and blaze powder, including rods, shards, orbs, fireballs, coals, powder, dust, dust pouches, wands and blaze cores. - Cauldrons in plain, star-studded, and skull-studded styles. - 8 gold nugget options - 2 nuggets, rings, and 5 styles of coins. - Gold-plated version of all melon options for Glistering Melons. - 4 potion rack bases - marble, light stone, dark stone, and ice. - 6 potion rack bodies - gold and iron in all 3 potion types. - 3 potion types - bottle, vial, and subcon bottle. - 5 varieties of grenade for each potion type - 15 choices in total. - Enchanting tables available in black obsidian, purple obsidian, dark wood and light wood, with your choice of diamond-studded top or crafting table style top for the wood tables. - Ender stone in light, dungeon, dark, ice, and white stone varieties. - Ender gate stands in classic, diamond, crafting table, glyph, marble, and keyhole marble styles. - Ender gate keys in teal eye, purple eye, glyph, marble, and star styles. - A variety grab bag of record options, including plain records, ornamented records that match the song stylenametheme, and a few bonus ones for good measure. - New, faster, more reliable site back-end coming soon Sept 16th update: Compatibility patch for Beta 1.8. Lots of new goodies for all those amazing new items and doodads and monsters and foods. What you can expect this time around: - added remove pumpkin blur and made all 11 pumpkin blurs selectable - added 5 melon options - classic, watermelon, leafy watermelon, pumpkin and honeydew - added 11 melon slice options for the various melon types - added 8 cracked stone textures - added sidewalk cement half brick texture - added 15 window pane side textures (selected automatically through window choice) - added 13 ivy textures in normal, green and dead - added 3 vine textures in normal, green and dead - added 7 iron bars textures - added 9 seeds textures including pumpkin, melon, honeydew, as well as medallion replacements for graves, gargoyles, etc. - added 3 enderman pearl options - normal, sparkling, slams and jams - added 5 rotting flesh options - arms, guts and brains - added 2 new light cooked pork options for haunches and chops - added 5 steak options - ribeye, t-bone, haunch, burger, bulgogi - added 4 chicken options - drumstick, whole chicken, bucket, and CFC (Creeper Fri ed Chicken) - added 12 exp orb options - normal, metroid, coin, ring, bolt, diamond, text, square, square, star, sparkles, zenny and rupees - added 7 mushroom skin options for all mushroom styles - added 6 mushroom underside options - gills and spots in brown, beige and ecru - added 2 mushroom stem options - horizontal and vertical stretching - added 4 drawn bow styles - normal and energy arrows in normal and fantasy bows - added 3 endermen styles - normal, cosmic and SCP-173 - added 3 silverfish styles - dark stone, light stone and maggot - added a cave spider texture - added 9 exp bar options, classic, shadow, wood, stone and metal in normal and rainbow bars - added 3 hunger bars - meat, chicken, and cheeseburger (cheeseburger created by T Hartman) - added 3 lightmaps - classic, clean light, and blood moon - added creative mode gui interface - ensnouted all pigs - various new gui options - wildgrass mod has once again been temporarily disabled. - more back end improvements. THANK YOU dpb and Pixotic for all your hard work with ongoing improvements. ) Aug 18th update: A new GUI option for the updated Airships mod has been added. Nothing else to report. Sorry Aug 11th update: A hotfix has been added which SHOULD restore cookies and password functionality. More or less. Were working on a new back end which should take care of these problems on a more permanent bases, but theres no ETA as its a huge project. Aug 07th update: There have been some improvements to make the customizer load a bit faster. Big thanks to Scaevolus, CapnCapacitor and Alligator for their help on that front. Unfortunately, weve discovered the breaking and 302500config errors were being caused by the passwordcookie files being too large due to the sheer number of options, so weve had to disable them for the moment. This update continues our ongoing increased support for the Yogbox, with many new textures added to support its many mods Obviously not everything is there, but its getting more complete every update. You can merge your customized Painterly with the one included in Yogbox by unzipping the painterly you download from here, and copying the files over top of the ones included in the Painterly found in Yogbox, and then using that pack. This will allow you to keep your choices while still getting all the other options in Yogbox. Available this update is: - Added red and yellow flowered mossy cobblestone for detailed bricks and both dungeon stone styles. - Added rough-hewn diamond tools. - ALLOCATOR - Added optional GUI for SmallDeadGuys Allocator Patch which expands Allocator functionality. - PEACEFUL PACK - 5 slime pool textures added in all normal slime colours. - YOGBOX - 5 options for Crystal Wing, including a Hearthstone and a jewel. - YOGBOX - 4 options for the recipe book - YOGBOX - shark tooth graphic for mocreatures - YOGBOX - 5 shark egg options for mocreatures - YOGBOX - 6 fish egg options for mocreatures - ELEMENTAL ARROWS - 6 homing bow options - ELEMENTAL ARROWS - added fire and ice arrows - ELEMENTAL ARROWS - 2 lighting arrow options, and 2 egg arrow options - ELEMENTAL ARROWS - 4 explosive arrow options - MORE HEALTH - 6 styles of small heart piece available - MORE HEALTH - 3 styles of large heart container available - BONE MODS - 5 types of bone torches to pick from - BONE MODS - 3 types of gilded bones to pick from - BONE MODS - 5 slime wands, matching the slime ball colour in your inventory - BONE MODS - 4 lightning wands, 2 glowing with electric energy, and 2 with flaming energy - BONE MODS - 5 styles of bam stick, including TNT stick, TNT wand, bomb, creeper sceptre and creeper mace. - SEASONS - 2 styles of thermometer - SEASONS - 2 styles of seasons watch - SEASONS - added custom seasons dial - SEASONS - added autumn biome shaders for grass and foliage - SEASONS - 23 types of autumn plants to pick from for your red and yellow autumn flower selections Jul 25th update: More mod support This time around, weve got some added support for some of the more popular stone-and-ore-based mods featured in the infamous Yogbox. Included in the 364 newly added textures is full support for the Randomite, Mystic Ores, and Mystic Dungeons mods. Featured are: - Added the tutorial level for the Amazopack to the Amazopack page - try it today - 3 new mushroom stew options to represent the bitter soup recipe from Mystic Dungeons - 1 new flint graphic in the style of the Mystic Ores shards - 2 new coal ore textures - MYSTIC ORES - 15 verdite ore types - various types of metal ore, rpg ore chunks, floral ores and an alternate of bronze for those who want less fantasy ores, in various stone type combinations. - MYSTIC ORES - 11 mithril ore types - normal, purple obsidian inset, black obsidian inset and rpg style, in various combinations of light, dark and ice stone - MYSTIC ORES - 5 adamantite ore types - normal and rpg in combinations of light, dark and ice stone - MYSTIC ORES - 10 iridium ore types - ore, cluster and meteor in light, dark and ice stone, plus bonus fallen meteor texture - MYSTIC ORES - 6 each of amethyst, sapphire and emerald ore blocks - shards and orbs in all 3 stone types - MYSTIC ORES - 9 topaz ore blocks - shards, orbs and amber in all 3 stone types - MYSTIC ORES - 11 verdite ingot textures, including 4 floral ingot options, and 4 bronze variants - MYSTIC ORES - 5 mithril ingot textures - MYSTIC ORES - 5 adamantite ingot textures - MYSTIC ORES - 7 iridium ingot textures - MYSTIC ORES - 7 iridium nugget textures - MYSTIC ORES - 2 glass shard textures (shard and glass bits) - MYSTIC ORES - 19 reinforced glass textures - 7 each in purple and black, plus 5 metal-lined gla ss textures from the original glass options - MYSTIC ORES - 2 obsidian shard textures (purple and black) - MYSTIC ORES - 2 obsidian rod textures (purple and black) - MYSTIC ORES - 6 textures for each of amethyst, emerald and sapphire gems - MYSTIC ORES - 7 topaz gem textures - 5 topaz and 2 amber variant textures - MYSTIC ORES - 8 mystic powder textures - MYSTIC ORES - 25 bloodstone textures - one for each netherrack type, 4 red stone types and bonus bee hell bloodcomb - MYSTIC ORES - 20 red soulstone textures - one for each netherrack type - MYSTIC ORES - 20 black soulstone textures - one for each netherrack type - MYSTIC ORES - 20 blue soulstone textures - one for each netherrack type - MYSTIC ORES - 7 bloodstone fragment textures - MYSTIC ORES - 2 sets of bloodstone tools - obsidian heartstone and gag nether tools - MYSTIC ORES - 2 sets of obsidian tools - purple and black, plus variant fancy obsidian hoes - MYSTIC ORES - 4 sets of verdite tools - metal, ivy and floral (plus some fl oralmetal variants for sword, shovel and axe), and a bronze tool variant - MYSTIC ORES - 1 set of mithril tools, plus a sword and pickaxe variant - MYSTIC ORES - 2 sets of adamantite tools - metal and living ore - MYSTIC ORES - 1 set of iridium tools plus meteor on a stick gag option - MYSTIC DUNGEONS - 6 iron treasurebox textures - sealed box, lockbox, and puzzle box in light and dark wood styles - MYSTIC DUNGEONS - 4 vine textures (2 green, 2 floral) - MYSTIC DUNGEONS - 3 vine segment textures - RANDOMITE - 5 total randomite ore stone textures in 2 styles (rainbow ore, Mario ore) Jul 22nd update: Were not dead In fact, quite the opposite :) Amazo has been updated to work with Minecraft 1.7.3, so you can now enjoy the exciting world of pistons and shears alongside your amazo-ness Tutorial coming VERY soon, as well as support for a few new mods, when I can finish updating the back end for them. Featured this (small) update: - Amazopack installer now compatible with Minecraft 1.7.3 - Re-enabled Wildgrass options, wildgrass in customizer now compatible with 1.7.3 - Were looking into back-end issues for IE users. Sorry, no ETA at this time. Jun 30th update: Compatibility patch for Beta 1.7. I hope you all appreciate that thanks to Pistons using wood, stone AND slimes, I had to make seventy bajillion options to account for all combinations. ) Featured are: - 38 piston back styles (I kinda got carried away here) - 9 piston front styles - 10 piston side styles - 9 piston plunger styles - 3 each of dark wood, light wood, and metal. - regular and splattered slime options for all plunger heads, in all slime colours. - 6 shears options - shears, hedge trimmers, 2 types of scissors, a dagger and a razor. - added Pusherbot and Shoverbot. - added 2 aligned brick cobblestone and 2 aligned brick mossy cobblestone options. - added slower-burning chandelier option for Amazopack beekeeping mods. (Requires MCPatcher to use.) - Amazopack is still only 1.6.6 compatible - so dont upgrade if you want to use your Amazo worlds - cakes and beds updated to use new graphics format. - wildgrass mod has been disabled until it is compatible with the new graphics layout in terrain. png. - more back end improvements. Jun 24th update: Its been a long time coming, but its finally here THE AMAZOPACK Six amazing mods by four amazing modders, with hopefully some more on the way Click the link at the top of the page to find out what its all about, whos responsible for making these beautiful mods, and honestly, who you should be donating to if you can for their fantastic work. Somethingawful, Reddit, Yogscast, and all the other amazing and fantastic Painterly and modding supporters out there - this is for you This update adds the following options to the base minecraft game: - Bee hell nether textures for glowstone, glowstone dust, netherrack and soul sand - Golden lava option for MCPatcher, to match the Bee Hell theme. - 6 fossil-themed textures for bones. - Minor customizer back-end tweaks and updates. This update also adds over 320 new graphics supporting 6 mods, including: - ROPE - New rope, rope top, and rope inventory icons for this mod. - PEACEFUL PACK - added cloth graphics. - PEACEFUL PACK - 2 seed graphics: flax and cotton. - PEACEFUL PACK - 3 fiber options: green, beige and white. - PEACEFUL PACK - 5 flax options: green, olive, cotton, ropegrass and fantasy weed. - PEACEFUL PACK - 7 sulphur ore textures: ice 3 for each stone type. - PEACEFUL PACK - 7 niter ore textures: ice 3 for for each stone type. - PEACEFUL PACK - 4 sulphur item textures - 3 crystals and powder. - PEACEFUL PACK - 4 niter item textures - 2 powders and 2 crystals - PEACEFUL PACK - 36 fossil options: 12 styles each in dark stone, light stone and ice, including human bones, creeper bones, dinosaur bones, coelacanth and trilobite. - ALLOCATOR - added new gui for the allocator. - ALLOCATOR - 5 styles for allocators: 2 brown stone, dark, light and neutral stone. - ALLOCATOR - 5 styles for fans: 2 brown stone, dark, light and neutral stone. - ALLOCATOR - 28 jump pad textures: classic, slimy, slime blocks, and checkerboard, note, and slime blocks in assorted wood frames and slime colours. - AIRSHIP - changed back-end file structure to intergrate with rest of amazopack options. - MOB MASKS - added base blank mask texture. - MOB MASKS - added base sheep mask texture. - MOB MASKS - 3 zombie mask textures: painterly, classic-style and yeti. - MOB MASKS - 3 cow mask textures: painterly, special needs and mooing polar bear. - MOB MASKS - 5 skeleton mask textures: human, wolf, pig, cow and sheep skulls. - MOB MASKS - 5 creeper mask textures: painterly, classic, demichina, happy and Israphel. - MOB MASKS - 6 pig mask textures: painterly, special needs, pigman, brown pig, brown special needs, brown pigman. - BEEKEEPING - light and dark wood GUI for apiaries (bee boxes). - BEEKEEPING - light and dark wood GUI for presses. - BEEKEEPING - light and dark wood GUI for incubators. - BEEKEEPING - added new armor texture for beekeepers hat. - BEEKEEPING - added new beehive graphics. - BEEKEEPING - 3 options for apiaries (bee boxes): light, dark and whitewashed wood. - BEEKEEPING - 3 options for apiary tops: metal, corroded metal and wood. - BEEKEEPING - 6 options for presses: light, dark and whitewashed wood with stone or iron tops. - BEEKEEPING - 6 options for incubators: light, dark and whitewashed wood in variable or on modes. - BEEKEEPING - 6 honey block options: honey cube, dripping cube, and 4 types of honeycomb. - BEEKEEPING - 24 waxpressed wax options: rough block, smooth block, melting block, indent block, honeycomb, giant candle, and 2 types of honeycomb emblazoning, in white, ecru or gold colours. - BEEKEEPING - 4 queen bee options: regular, crown, aura, and aura crown. - BEEKEEPING - added wax and grub comb graphics. - BEEKEEPING - 2 honeycomb options: wet or sealed honey. - BEEKEEPING - 3 pressed wax options: blobs or cells in white, ecru or gold. - BEEKEEPING - 7 candle options taken from various torch options. - BEEKEEPING - added chandelier and gold chandelier graphics. - BEEKEEPING - 7 honey and honey jar options: honey drop, honey splat, honey cell, bowl, small vial, large vial, jar. - BEEKEEPING - 7 raw honey pork options: coated and half-coated in all 3 meat styles, and platter prep. - BEEKEEPING - 4 honey-glazed pork options: all 3 meat styles, and party platter. Jun 03rd update: Another major milestone - 2,000,000 customized pack downloads AND 1,000,000 non-customized pack downloads You guys and gals are amazing I can only hope that I can keep making everyone happy with continued improvements to the pack As a thank you to everyone, a special little bonus has been added to celebrate this monumental occasion. Check out the mobs section of the page for a preview Were aware of the issue with thumbnails not being displayed in certain browserOS combinations and know whats causing it, unfortunately its not a simple fix. Were working on solutions and should have something soon that will get everything working tip-top once again. Sorry for the inconvenience - you can still preview the images by rolling your mouse over where the thumbnail should be, in the meantime. UPDATE: Scaevolus has fixed the thumbnail issue - they should now be appearing again for everyone. Refresh your page if you still dont see them Thank you Scaevolus Jun 01st update: Mostly an improvement patch and a few community items. I wasnt really happy with how the biome wheatgrass turned out, so I redid it, and added several new options, to boot. Also included are some screen door trapdoors (thanks for the idea, Extranoise) and other assorted trapdoors, a new glowstone by Core25, and some new doors by myself and SlyeFox. Featured are: - 11 new trapdoor options - screen door in dark wood, light wood, whitewashed wood and metal, various metal trapdoors, and hatches by SlyeFox. - 3 new sturdy door options by SlyeFox. - 2 new Reinforced door options for both metal and wood doors. - 1 new gold lantern panel glowstone texture by Core25. - 1 new screen window texture. - 6 new wheatgrass options in all colours - 3 lengths of scrub, 2 lengths of lawn, and hay. - reworked the biome wheatgrass options slightly. - added missing graphics for in-use fishing poles. - split raw and cooked fish into 2 separate customizer options. - more back end improvements. May 26th update: Beta 1.6 support has been added Enjoy your maps and wheatgrass and trap doors and desert shrubs and whatever else you fancy. In addition to options Ive created, you can find several community options included as well, such as more amazing new armor options by the talented LvK, and an arctic slime by TS-19. Featured are: - updated the paper graphic for standard reeds - updated the signs art pack with new graphic sent by Extranoise of Quandary Pack fame - added classic-style leather armor by LvK - added classic-style iron armor by LvK - added new armor icons for new armor sets - added new chess cloth blocks and dyes, inspired by a suggestion from Sketch - added 3 new lapis lazuli blocks - added arctic slime texture based on design and concepts from TS-19 - included new map background images - included 6 map inventory icon options - included 17 trap door options - included 36 wheatgrass options, useable on either wheatgrass texture - included 22 desert shrub options - customizer back end code has been changed to hopefully fix some minor ongoing issues and make upgrading in the future slightly easier. May 11th update: Another tiny update, adding a few things I had in the works but didnt have time for yesterday, as well as some amazing new community-submitted armor options by the talented LvK. Featured are: - fixed minor alignment issue with some gui options - new cloth armor: barbarian - new cloth armor: barbarian with fake muscle suit - new iron armor: horned helmet savage plate - new gold armor: variant gag armor - new diamond armor: high-fantasy redstone tech - 2 new brown pig options - regular and special needs - 4 new pink pigman options - regular and eyeless in normal and bone - 2 new pink zombie pigman options May 10th update: Added support for airships. Because airships are awesome. You can get Pchan3s airship mod HERE . Featured are: - added rope option for string - 2 airship bases - light and dark wood - 2 airship engines - light and dark wood - 6 airship balloon options - basic white, starapple, pirate, creeper, ghast, and happy ghast May 03rd update: A medium-sized patch that addresses some of the final few items which didnt previously have customization options, along with a few other things here and there. Featured are: - 6 options for your item selection hotbar - added option to put small numbers in corner of hotbar - 9 options for hotbar item selection cursor - 2 options for menu buttons - 3 new pumpkin variants added - gargoyle, grave and strange stone - 2 new dungeon-style cobblestones added (also added as half blocks and mossy cobblestone.) - 2 new dungeon-style mossy cobblestones added - Jiang Shi zombie added - You can now set the water splashes in custom particles to small or none - 2 new foliage colour overlays added - canada and grit-smooth - 2 new grass colour overlays added - canada and grit-smooth - custom graphics for achievementsstatistics which currently support them added Apr 27th update: Wrapping up several outstanding issues and expanding on a few new ones. Lots of small things this time around. Enjoy your Jaffa Cakes, Honeydew Featured are: - 9 secret door options for iron doors - all stone types plus two library options. - 2 more wildgrass options - no grass, and sunflower-only. - 2 spider webs to pick from. - 3 new mushroom stews added. - 2 jaffa cake options added for cookies. - 2 new options for bone drops. - 2 new concrete-style smooth stone textures. - 2 classic style variants for detector tracks. - 2 new variants for booster tracks - classic and crossbar. - 2 new types of particle effects. - Stone lantern option for pumpkins. - 2 new zombie options - a more classic looking zombie, and a shark monster by MC-Dread - You can now set rain to light or invisible, though youll still get water splashes on invisible rain. Apr 19th update: Welcome to beta 1.5 This is our biggest update yet, adding over 240 graphics, though to be fair many are touchups or improvements of old blocks, or old graphics modified to be compatible with 1.5s new texture pack fixes. Pack compatibility options include: - all rails have been redone to be compliant with the new center shading standard. - all iron blocks touched up and reduced to 1 tile. 5 new options added. - all gold blocks touched up and reduced to 1 tile. 4 new options added. - all diamond blocks touched up and reduced to 1 tile. 5 new options added. - redstone wiring completely redone to conform to new standard. 14 total options are available. - slimes now choose one of 4 matching slimeball graphics when selected for particles. Options new for Beta 1.5 include: - added achievement UI window graphic. - added 2 styles (1 for subway, 3 for monorail) graphics for each track booster type. - added 2 styles (1 for subway, 3 for monorail) graphics for each track detector type. - added 1 oak, 2 pine, and 6 birch sapling options to existing saplings. Festive easter options inspired by designs from Liselle include: - added easter basket buckets. - added easter eggs. - added hot cross bun variant for cake. Options to modernize the look of your minecraft world include: - added whitewashed wood siding as a wood plank texture. - added shingles as a wood plank and cobblestone texture. - added concrete, concrete block and asphalt options for gravel. - added concrete, concrete block, sidewalk, and weathered block options for sandstone. - added modern style pail buckets both with and without handles. - added 2 modern white wood doors. - added 2 modern wallfloor lantern options for torches. - added 3 modern-style window options for glass. - added oven and fridge alternates for forge and dispenser. - 2 modern forge top graphics (plain and rangetop) to match new stove and fridge. - packing box option for storage crates. - added modern decorating cloth blocks option, including wallpaper, trim, and carpeting. Miscellaneous Options include: - rocky sand option for sandstone. - orange clay and brick options. - new ingotbrick option for clay, iron and gold. - paper-wrapped dyes option. - line block cloth for diagram construction, with matching dye replacement option. Apr 06th update: Ive added wildgrass mod support Select all sorts of wildgrass options from the customizer, or not, as you wish. Obviously, this requires the Wildgrass mod to work, and is disabled by default in customized packs. Also added are a couple community-request items for wolves and armor. Featured are: - 6 new Wolf options, including classic-style white and grey dogs, halloween skeleton dogs, and scarves instead of collars for wolves. - Added Crogs and Crigs. - Added variant chain armor with a proper helmet. - 7 wildgrass grass options - 5 wildgrass tiny flower options - 6 wildgrass tiny cactus options - 2 wildgrass lily pad options - 8 new flower options, for wildgrass and regular flowers - 5 new mushroom options, 2 of which can also be used with wildgrass and regular flowers - Added wildgrass vines Mar 31st update: Over 130 new graphics today This time around weve got a massive grab bag covering little odds and ends for every corner of the pack. Featured are: 3 dogwolf textures (huskywolf, ninja dog, and corgi) a neutral forge and dispenser with 5 top options 3 new b-type rails for subway and monorails 12 new flowers (one of which doubles as a sapling) 3 new bows arrow graphics to match the arrow icons a magic wand stick a new glowstone dust laser diamond tools marrow bonemeal 2 new netherrack options (one of which doubles as obsidian) 6 new soul sand options (two of which double as bedrock) A new moon option 3 new cocoa bean options 3 new cookie options 7 new pumpkin options (watermelons) the original Minecraft paintings as an option 3 new grass biome shaders (thanks for your contribution Grittenoir) 2 new leaf biome shaders (also thanks Grittenoir) 3 new water overlays 2 new sandstone textures 4 new options for each ore type (6 for iron) including Doku-style ores a new reclaimed ore item for each ore type 2 new TNT options (bombs) 2 new pork chopbacon options 2 new reeds options 4 new fancy wood plank options 2 new fancy woo d bookcase options fixed up graphics for watch dial and some pumpkin UI overlays Mar 25th update: Weve just hit an important milestone everyone ONE MILLION customizer downloads Thank you all, I couldnt have come this far without the support, donations, and word of mouth and overall great assistance from the community - you folk are all so great Were pushing over 2.5 TB of data every single month, and have just over 250,000 regular users of the pack (people who visit more than once a month). To mark this special occasion, two special rhodox-themed items have been added to the pack - a rhodox-logo cake for celebrating, and a plush rhodox doll replacement for the gold sword. Collect em Trade em You can even swing em Another big patch is in the works, but Im holding out until the dog patch goes live so I can do everything in one go. Mar 12th update: A small update - been busy preparing for various birthday shenanigans and starting a new job, so just a tiny update for now. This update adds 5 new block breaking animations, a new watch dial graphic, a new tree leaf texture, and 4 new wood plank textures and a new diamond sword. It also adds the ability to remove the vignette graphic from the pack, adds correct icons to the storage carts for the new chest options, and fixes a graphical error with the new biome textures caused by white sections on the triangles. I would also like to take this opportunity to give a huge thanks to Mr. Cerniglia. Thank you so much for your support and kindness - I sincerely mean that from the bottom of my heart. Mar 03rd update: Its lavawine time This update adds 109 new graphic items mostly centered around grapes and wine, including 2 128-frame custom lava animations The update adds the aforementioned 2 lava animations, 2 grape replacements for crops, 2 grape replacements for reedssugarcane, grape and wine replacements for cane, paper, books, wheat and bread, 2 wine rack replacements for bookshelves, a glass bucket option, 6 new wood trellis window options, 5 new storage chest options, a new biome leaf texture, 4 new grass textures - golf course and ZekeySpaceyLizard pattern (used with permission) in normal and biome versions, and a ZekeySpaceyLizard-inspired quilted cloth texture and matching dyes. Feb 22nd update: This update adds compatability with the Beta 1.3 update, and adds 8 bed options, 6 delay block options, 5 bed inventory icons, 3 delay block inventory icons, a new community brick texture, a new glowstone texture, and a temporary fix for the new Redwire code, which, while less than optimal, works for the moment. Feb 19th update: This update adds 6 new lightstone options, a SNES-themed painting style, removes the melting sprites paintings (they were lazy and almost nobody used them), and most importantly, adds alternate dirt options. This was a huge undertaking, requiring 176 new graphic tiles to be created to cover every combination of grass and soil colour and length, as well as a huge amount of backend coding for the logic to apply the tiles. So I hope its appreciated Thanks to further back end code improvements by xax, customizer now also supports a few additional quality of life features. Categories in the customizer can now be expanded or collapsed, super-option buttons are now available to do things like set all wood or stone options to a single colour or pre-load specific theme packs like the halloween pack, and a password system has been introduced that allows you to share your packs with your friends. Apreciar. Feb 10th update: This update adds 2 new weapons (wood staff and frying pan), as well as piercing orientation for the lance, spear, glaive and stick, 6 shades of broad leaf leaf blocks in various green hues, and a new set of cloth blocks in 4 varieties, and matching dye icons, for a variety of signs and markers that take advantage of the multiple block patterns offered by the new dyeing system. You can preview the signs in the materials section, and the icon replacements for dyes and what they were designed for in the resources section. Feb 05th update: A substantial update, well call this one the Mistakes and Ladders update. This update mainly addresses a lot of longstanding community requests or concerns, as well as adds a few fun things off my list of stuff to do. There was also a substantial backend performance upgrade done by Scaevolus on the Customizer - everyone should notice it loading much faster now. 78 new graphic options have been added this time around: 2 new suns and 2 new moons, realistic style bricks in light and dark normal and mossy, realistic style half blocks in 6 varieties, 4 new leaf colours (including pink petals), a brown cacti, 2 new coal textures, leather patches for cows, dye petals, cacti and vials, 4 new ladders, chick replacement for eggs, 6 new shades of grass including 2 new biome compatible options, and 12 alternate weapons to replace the traditional swords. Jan 26th update: A moderately-sized update with a mix of often-requested items, a few suprises, and fills for gaps in options. 44 new graphics were created, including a new sandstone texture, realistic options for smooth stone and cobblestone in both stone colours, mossy and flowery (red and yellow) cobblestone for realistic cobble, ice dispensers in all the usual varieties, vending machine dispensers, a new bedrock pattern, paint can dyes, and Spelunkiana Jonesy hide armor Furthermore, four community contributions have been added: a chinese art pack to match the chinese items by Mozzie, and three Quandry Pack options - feather, fishing pole and seeds - recoloured to match painterly and used with permission by their owner, Extranoise. Jan 21st update: Huzzah Today Painterly hit 500,000 Customizer downloads (and nearly 350,000 vanilla pack downloads) and so in celebration of this half-million milestone, I added a couple golden items for this special occasion - wild golden roses and toadstools to enrich your worlds vegetation in a truly opulent manner. Also included are another kind of gold - two lightstone textures featuring lightstone chunks embedded in blocks of smoothstone. Behind the scenes, a bunch of CSS and webpage optimizing has gone on over the last week to streamline things, and, as youve probably noticed, collapsable patch notes have been added. Jan 18th update: a minor update which fixed an issue with the Dispenser gui, added a new forge gui, a new flower, palm tree bark, a new type of sand and sandstone, and updated several layout and back-end issues on the page itself and in customizer. You can now click any part of a customizer entry to select it rather than just the checkbox or radio button. Jan 15th update: 7 new tree bark options, 1 new leaf option, 7 types of dyed cloth blocks, 7 sandstone variants, 5 lapis lazuli ore blocks, 3 lapis lazuli decorative blocks, 3 types of cake, 18 furnace top options, 22 dispenser options, a new flower, 4 new community-submitted wood planks, 2 dispenser GUIs based on community-submitted designs, chain mail textures, 2 sugar icons, a bone icon, 2 versions of every dye colour, 5 lapis lazuli options, 5 ink options, 3 bone meal options, and 4 types of squid. Jan 11th update: a new moon, 2 new winter gravel textures, a winter furnace texture and powered cart, a winter gingerbread clay alternate, 2 half blocks, a new iron block, 4 new railway options, 2 new signposts, 5 new radiosmusicboxes, a new door, 6 new torches, 5 new windows, 5 new monster spawners, 2 new creeper skins, 2 new TNT crates, a new pig skin, 8 new cobblestone textures, 12 new mossy cobblestone textures, a new sheep skin, 5 new soul sands, 2 new redwire textures, 4 new redstone torches, and a new type of wool.


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