Stock Options Salt Kit

O desaparecimento do mercado de touro de longa data em títulos foi diretamente na mente dos investidores ultimamente. Bill Gross explica por que o rendimento do Tesouro a 10 anos detém a chave para as ações e outros mercados financeiros. 6 minutos atrás 3:46 p. m. 10 de janeiro de 2017 Os preços do cobre subiram uma alta de 30 dias na terça-feira, levantando, entre outras coisas, um dólar mais fraco e dados econômicos chineses. Os futuros de compras para entrega no mês de março no COMEX subiram quase 3 a 2,6125 toneladas, estendendo ganhos Desde o início do ano para quase 5, com a notícia de que os preços de produtores da Chinas cresceram em dezembro. O metal subiu até 2,63 a tonelada no início de hoje. No reino da ETF, o ETN (JJC) do iPath Bloomberg Copper Subindex Total Jumped saltou 3,66 para uma recente ação de 30,10 por ação. 7 minutos atrás 3:46 p. m. 10 de janeiro de 2017 Copyright copy 2017 MarketWatch, Inc. Todos os direitos reservados. 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Que são todas cidades originais, exceto uma, o Distrito da Área Portuária. Cada distrito se distingue pela sua história, cultura e gastronomia. Os oito distritos da cidade de Manila (a não confundir com o metrô de Manila) a norte do rio Pasig são: Tondo 8212 A parte mais densa, mais pobre, perigosa e subdesenvolvida de Manila Binondo 8212 A Chinatown mais antiga do mundo prospera antes da chegada do Os espanhóis em 1571 e o centro original da cidade para negócios, finanças e atacado, bem como comércio varejista, desde jóias até essências aromáticas. É famoso por sua autêntica cozinha chinesa, principalmente a Hong Kong e pequenas lojas chinesas interessantes. Sua igreja é uma fascinante fusão de estilos espanhóis de estilo barroco espanhol como mostrado em sua torre de sino pagoda. San Nicols 8212 compartilha o mercado Divisoria (ver Tondo) com outro co-distrito é o centro para os compradores aventureiros que podem se aventurar em negócios baratos e por grosso. Santa Cruz 8212 está à beira de Chinatown. Que é o distrito de mistura frenética usual de instalações comerciais e residenciais. É onde começou Escolta - a principal artéria que costumava ser Manilas Old Wall Street e 5th Avenue durante o período colonial americano anterior até a década de 1960. Carriedo St. é onde um hodge podge de barracas que vendem roupas feitas localmente, excessos de exportação e itens domésticos. É também o lar de um curio cultural e o segundo cemitério mais antigo da cidade - o cemitério chinês. Onde os enterros das comunidades chinesas foram relegados devido às restrições da administração colonial espanhola. Possui mausoléus palacianos com suites tipo hotel, algumas com jacuzzis. Quiapo 8212 Casa de Plaza Miranda. Manilas resposta original para Trafalgar Square, e mais especialmente para o Black Nazarene. Um ícone católico duradouro trazido do México no início dos anos 1600. É também um lugar famoso por flores, remédios herbal, poções de amor, adivinhos, itens religiosos, bem como produtos eletrônicos (Raon St.) para artesanatos nativos e curiosidades turísticas vendidas no Quinta Market e sob uma ponte aérea apelidada por alguns Locais como Ille de Toule uma corrupção francesa de Tagalog Il alim ng Tul ay traduzida em inglês como Under the Bridge. As antigas e deliciosas casas de elite de estilo Art Nouveau são agora convertidas em espaços de compartilhamento de casas pequenas com casas de cinema com classificação B após seus dias de grandeza e glória. A mesquita premier e mais antiga da cidade serve como peça central para a pequena capitulação Manilas de Arab Muslim Muslim Town, um conceito criado por Imelda Marcos para absorver algum senso de cosmopolitismo na cidade. Sampaloc 8212 a palavra tamarindo. Este distrito do University Belt, um centro nervoso facilmente identificável das principais instituições de ensino do país e um viveiro de usinas de diploma, é onde a Universidade de Santo Tomás. A universidade mais antiga de Asias (fundada em 1611), famosa não mais por seus notoriamente moralmente falidos e corruptos Frades dominicanos durante os dias coloniais espanhóis como a inspiração retratada pelo herói nacional Jose Rizal em suas novelas de ficção, nem por seus mestres e exaltados ex-alunos, mas Também para ser convertido no maior campo de concentração de civis internacionais detidos pelos japoneses durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Além disso, é onde está o mercado de flores de Dangwa. É também o dormitório estudantil central das Filipinas, onde a maioria dos filipinos em todo o país reivindica pensão e hospedagem temporária - na miríade de casas de apartamentos e condomínios-dormitórios cada vez maiores (algumas até quarenta e mais histórias) que alinham uma cordilheira de ruas estreitas - enquanto se matriculavam Nas mais de uma dúzia de universidades, colégios e centros de revisão dentro dela, juntamente com lojas de serviços como livrarias, copiadora de ampliação (incluindo diplomas falsos, cartões de identificação e documentos de certificação necessários para um trabalhador de colar branco) lojas, teses e relatórios de usinas E lojas de aluguel de computadores, bem como juntas de entretenimento que atendem a um cliente de estudantes, como internet e videogames, lojas de software de amplificador de DVD bootleg, salões de bilhar e sexo seguro para estudantes e casas seguras para vícios. A imponente igreja de San Sebastian. Dentro do campus de uma universidade, é a primeira e única igreja pré-fabricada de ferro nas Filipinas fabricada na Bélgica em meados do século XIX. San Miguel 8212 ainda faz parte do University Belt hospedando algumas colégios e universidades fora do distrito de Sampaloc, onde é localizado o Palácio de Malacan, o assento executivo oficial e residência do presidente filipino e do museu. É também o local de nascimento do famoso e homônimo San Miguel Beer. Santa Mesa 8212 do termo espanhol tabela sagrada. Este distrito da classe trabalhadora já não é tão santo, pois ele hospeda a maioria dos hotéis e motéis do tempo curto da cidade marca o primeiro tiro da guerra filipino-americana. Área Portuária 8212, o principal porto marítimo do país, composto por portos Norte e Sul, onde as casas estão dispostas a cotovelo ao cotovelo ao longo das estações de encanamento e reabastecimento para todos os navios, ferries e navios de cruzeiro, e onde se pode testemunhar o dramático pôr do sol da baía de Manila. Intramuros 8212 retirado do espanhol, intra amp muros. Literalmente dentro das paredes, a Cidade Histórica das Filipinas e considerada como o próprio Velho Manila durante os tempos espanhóis, apenas a sul da foz do rio Pasig que atravessa. Em primeiro lugar, é uma cidade da fortaleza que se encontrava cercada por um fosso agora transformado em um putting green, e é onde o antigo Fort Fort espanhol estava sediada. O forte, convertido em um museu, um ponto de referência muito histórico, onde quase todos os whos que da resistência colonial filipina - espanhol, americano, ampères japoneses foram encarcerados. Habitava uma dúzia de igrejas e casas-mãe da congregação que, durante os céus claros, o horizonte estava perejilmente alinhado com cúpulas e torres e o ar da manhã estava ensurdecendo com os sinos de casca vindos dos campanários a melhor montagem da arquitetura colonial, reduzida a cinzas Com exceção da Igreja San Agustn durante a última Guerra Mundial. Sir Banister Fletcher, um notável historiador de arquitetura escreveu até. Anos atrás, as Filipinas poderiam oferecer muitos exemplos bem preservados da arquitetura espanhola dos séculos XVI e XVII. Intramuros, a antiga muralha murada de Manila, a capital, que já era uma tesouro da arte hispánica ultramarina. Sofreu danos irreparáveis ​​durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Arte hispânica ultramarina. Seja lá o que for, deve ter sido outra Lost 8th Wonder of the World que esta e as futuras gerações perderam profundamente. Um plano excelente estava em andamento no final dos anos 70 por Imelda Marcos para reconstruir a cidade velha, mas, como tudo o mais associado a ela significa opulência e extravagância, ele desapareceu. A catedral de Manila, denominada versão filipina do renascimento românico-bizantino, fica proeminente nas paredes deste distrito. Há um pedaço de terra a leste da cidade murada informalmente chamada Extramuros. O novo Centro Cívico designado pelos norte-americanos, onde o prédio de escritórios do estilo Revival Clássico é visivelmente visível, construído em um ponto imponente que deveria ter sido usado para um edifício majestoso mais importante, como a Casa do Senado Clássico localizada em um local onde só pode ser Visto obliquamente e menos grandemente em um olhar passageiro, e agora rebaixado como a Galeria Nacional de Arte. The Art-Deco elegante teatro metropolitano. E a Câmara Municipal com sua torre de relógio de estilo Mughal-Big Ben submersa estão localizados nas proximidades. Ermita 8212, um dos dois distritos turísticos (outro é o distrito de Malate) ao sul de Intramuros. Costumava ser o único e único Distrito da Luz Vermelha. Bares, pubs, cafés, bistros, clubes noturnos e parques de massagem, compartilham o mesmo faturamento (e aluguel) com a maioria das empresas de recrutamento de empregos no exterior da cidade, uma configuração aconchegante para a maioria dos empregadores do Oriente Médio para relaxar após um dia de entrevista de candidatos Em uma viagem de negócios com prazer. Tem uma vida noturna animada e diversificada, também oferece inúmeras moedas, arte e antiguidades e lojas de lembranças. Ermita é também onde a embaixada americana está localizada, juntamente com o Parque Rizal. Onde o herói nacional Martyr Jos Rizal foi executado pelo esquadrão de tiro pelos espanhóis, agora imortalizado por seu memorial de estátua e obelisco em um pedestal e também Manilas mini rendição do Central Park de Nova York, o único maior pulmão do Cidade usada como passeio com um duplo papel como um shopping nacional. O Parque Oceânico de Manila. A resposta de Manilas ao Aquário de Singapores Sentosa também está localizada neste complexo de parques, bem como nos chineses. Japonês. Filipino. E Jardins dos Artistas. O Orchidarium. O Auditório ao ar livre que hospeda o semanário Concert-at-the-Park e filmagens estrangeiras, o Planetário. E o Museu Nacional do estilo Revival Clássico renomeou o Museu do Edifício dos Pais Filipinos, bem como a Biblioteca Nacional de estilo patético da década de 1950. No extremo leste do Parque é onde costumava ser o Wallace Field, onde o festival Mardi Gras de Manila Carnival, de estilo americano, foi anualmente realizado por 32 anos, até que a Segunda Guerra Mundial acabou abruptamente. Ao redor e nas proximidades é onde também se pode encontrar o Grand Manila Hotel. Um dos melhores hotéis do Extremo Oriente, empoeirado por causa da poluição do ar. E, muito mais abaixo, a poucas quadras a sul, o Tribunal Supremo está construindo de volta ao campus igualmente gregoRoman clássico do ramo de Manila da principal universidade estadual, a Universidade das Filipinas (e sua figura cruciforme bem-vinda, a Oblação), Qual local é o primeiro campus da Universidade construído em torno de 1900 antes de ser transferido para a cidade de Quezn após a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Malate 8212, apenas a sul de Ermita. Um distrito de hotel igualmente colorido, costumava ser famoso por suas mansões onde reside o creme da cidade da colheita e as escolas de convento de meninas de elite, bem como a Universidade de La Salle. Que começou como uma escola de meninos de elite agora transformada em um centro de aprendizado de escolha para a classe de elite chinesa. Malate é agora mais conhecido como o centro da vida noturna boêmia na cidade e toda a metrópole. Além disso, o site da mais feroz atrocidade feita pelos japoneses a todos os civis no fechamento da Segunda Guerra Mundial, onde bairros inteiros foram forçados a se reunir no Coliseu de Rizal Memorial Sports, para ser tratado com orgia de massas e massacres. O distrito tem uma igreja pitoresca e bonita de estilo filipino-barroco. O Zoológico de Manila. O zoológico mais antigo de Asias e, juntamente com o título, é provavelmente o aspecto mais abatido. Imelda Marcos, a cidade de sonho da Baía, chamou o Centro Cultural do Complexo das Filipinas ou o Complexo do CCP para abreviar, um espaço aberto extenso e extenso recuperado da baía que se assemelha a Beijings Tienanmen ou Moscou, Praça Vermelha alinhada com coqueiros, como Centro Cívico e muito tropical Como é obtido e uma inspiração para a Marina de Singapores, é exibido pelo Centro Cultural das Filipinas, zen-like e boxy - lar de performances teatrais nacionais, co-inaugurado pelo amigo de Marcos e pelo governador Ronald Reagan. Desenhado por Leandro Locsin, o arquiteto favorito do rei Bolquias de Brunei e Imeldas, no molde de Oscar Niemeyer e Meis Van Der Rohe, essa obra-prima folheada de travertino é típica daqueles menos são mais fantasias dos anos 1960-1970. Outras estruturas semelhantes nas proximidades desenhadas por ele são o Centro de Convenções Internacional das Filipinas. O Centro Nacional de Design. Uma instituição de apoio para o crescimento das artes de design industrial, o Folk Arts Theatre. Construído especificamente para hospedar o 1974 Miss Universe Pageant, e o afiado e ainda sofisticado Philippine Plaza Hotel. A maioria está agora em sua condição não tão pristinosa. Os dois outros marcos importantes no complexo não projetado por ele são o Centro de Cinema de Manila assombrado. O local para o primeiro e único Festival Internacional de Cinema de Manila, que estreou o filme Gandhi em 1982, agora o repositório National Film Archives. E o palácio de coco arquitetonicamente intrigante, humilde e ainda bom gosto agora como o Escritório do Vice-Presidente das Filipinas. A última estrutura importante aqui é o Edifício GSIS ou o Sistema de Seguro de Serviço do Governo, destinado ao aparelho de segurança social dos funcionários do governo com o conceito Banawe Rice Terraces em mente, também envolvendo arquitetonicamente, temporariamente habitando o Senado Nacional. O braço legislativo sénior do governo. Embora tecnicamente contíguos, esses pontos de referência, exceto o Centro Cultural, não fazem mais parte do distrito e pertencem à cidade de Pasay. O distrito de Pandacan 8212 abriga muitos dos gêneros literários e musicais do país, originalmente nomeado após as espécies de plantas pandan. Paco 8212, um distrito da classe trabalhadora que começou como Little Tokyo durante a era espanhola, fica a histórica, mas arruinou e abandonou a Estação Ferroviária de Paco, onde os aviões aéreos, japoneses e americanos combatiam em um confronto de cachorros após os ataques de Pearl Harbor e a tempestade Para a invasão de Manila pelos japoneses. É também a localização do misterioso cemitério circular agora chamado Paco Park. O primeiro local de sepultamento do herói nacional - José Rizal, depois de ser executado pelos espanhóis, agora utilizado como local para concertos de música sinfônica de câmara. Paco Market. Outro dos principais mercados públicos secos e úmidos da cidade, tem uma das cenas de mercado mais frenéticas, coloridas e interessantes da cidade, com vendedores ambulantes turbulentos, barracas de negócios chinesas ocupadas e comida de mercado de vendedor ambulante. O distrito é especializado em itens de móveis e ferragens. Santa Ana 8212 conhecida como Sapa nos tempos antigos, este distrito é a antiga capital do Reino de Namayan, que é o precursor do moderno Metro Manila e costumava ser um bairro residencial silencioso e comparável ao distrito de Chelsea em Londres durante a era colonial americana, mas agora Um distrito de classe trabalhadora destruída com seu extinto Hippodrome de Santa Ana (localizado na cidade vizinha de Makati, que antes era um subúrbio), uma vez, uma das melhores pistas de corrida de cavalos na Ásia, agora comprada pela Ayala Corporation e agora está sendo convertida e desenvolvida como outra De seus projetos mistos de desenvolvimento comerciais e residenciais. Um pequeno museu pela igreja colonial de Nossa Senhora da Igreja Abandonada ou simplesmente Santa Ana. Mostra restos de um assentamento pré-espanhol. San Andres Bukid 8212 também conhecido como St. Andrew Fields em inglês, fazia parte de Santa Ana. É também o lar de San Andrs Market - outro grande mercado público, famoso por seus barracas de frutas variadas e um ambiente pouco turístico. Entenda Editar Igreja de San Agustin, Intramuros Manila Como agora vemos, Manila é mais moderna e ocidental a julgar pelos arranha-céus de aço e vidro que salpicam o horizonte. História Editado por mais de três séculos, Manila foi colonizada e administrada pela Espanha, que deixou um patrimônio arquitetônico duradouro nas Filipinas, especialmente no que diz respeito a igrejas, fortalezas e outros edifícios coloniais que ainda podem ser vistos nas ruínas de Intramuros, construídas no final do século XVI. século. Manila começou como um assentamento nas margens do rio Pasig, e seu nome é originário de Maynilad, referindo-se à planta de mangue conhecida como Nilad, que era abundante na área. Antes da chegada dos espanhóis no século 16, Manila era o lar de muçulmanos-malaios, que eram descendentes dos árabes, índios, asiáticos do leste e outros asiáticos do sudeste. Em 1571, 50 anos após a descoberta dos ilhas de Magalhães, o conquistador espanhol Miguel Lpez de Legazpi reivindicou as Filipinas como uma colônia e estabeleceu Manila como sua capital. Manila também foi brevemente colonizada pelos britânicos por dois anos. Manila também faz parte das Índias Orientais espanholas até 1898, quando os Estados Unidos assumiram as Filipinas após a guerra hispano-americana. Manila foi procurada pela primeira vez pelos espanhóis, depois pelos americanos. Os espanhóis queriam um contrapeso para o império português em expansão, que quase tinha tomado uma grande fatia da torta no lucrativo comércio de especiarias. Eles conseguiram isso através de Manila, então estrategicamente colocados entre a China, juntamente com o resto da Ásia e o México - o próximo ponto de trânsito mais próximo para os produtos da Ásia para a Europa. A sua localização parecia uma escolha bem pensada. Legazpi levou cinco anos depois de chegar às Filipinas e se estabeleceu em Ceb em 1565 para discutir antes de decidir finalmente se mudar para o norte para Manila em 1571 e torná-lo a capital do novo território. Por números, reduziu a distância de viagem para o outro lado do império em Acapulco. Manila também está em um alcance de desenho muito fácil e mais direto para os veleiros para pegar os Ventos Comerciais do Pacífico enquanto explodem para o nordeste para o Japão para Acapulco e explodem precisamente no Estreito de San Bernardino para a viagem de ida para o oeste sem serem desviados. Mais importante ainda, Manila está muito mais perto do que a Ceb para a China. Quando o México empurrou para a sua independência da Espanha e finalmente a expulsou, a importância brilhante das Filipinas começou a diminuir devido à descontinuação do Comércio Manila-Acapulco Galleon, cortando o segmento de Acapulco para Vera Cruz e acelerou mais quando o Canal de Suez foi Aberto, permitindo que as exportações chinesas se encaminhem para a direção oposta e tornando Singapura como o centro de trânsito mais importante para a Europa na região. Uma administração simbólica acabou de ser mantida em Manila, que confinou que o recesso era uma das colônias inacessíveis e difíceis de manter da Espanha. Até que uma nova era imperialista nasceu, os países encorajados embarcaram em uma nova competição para matérias-primas e mercado. Países Baixos, Grã-Bretanha e França já estão lá agora com a Alemanha, espreitando em algum lugar e aptos a preencher os vazios prestes a serem desocupados por superpoderes decrescentes. A Alemanha já estava cheirando o Oceano Pacífico como um tubarão que cheirava a matar quando os EUA, estimulados pela inesperada conquista do Havaí, e que desejavam desesperadamente um destino na Ásia para o seu comércio, especialmente com o Japão e a China, aproveitaram a primeira oportunidade de Cobiçando as Filipinas. As Filipinas, mais uma vez, tão estrategicamente colocadas como o pioneiro do imperialismo americano estenderam sua servidão colonial aos EUA. Sendo uma cidade com suas orelhas e antenas agudamente sintonizadas para as tendências americanas e européias, e na vanguarda da modernização e do constante refinamento cultural, Manila testemunhou ou acolheu inovações - políticas, culturais, cívicas, etc., mais do que qualquer outra cidade do Sudeste Asiático Ou a Ásia como um todo. Orientação Editar Manila fica em um arquipélago apenas à beira do continente asiático, cerca de 14 35 N, 121 00 E. Seu 700 milhas (1.100 km) ou 2 horas de vôo de Hong Kong, 1.400 milhas (2.200 km) ou 3:15 horas de Bangkok, 1.500 milhas (2.400 km) ou 3:35 horas de Cingapura, 1.900 milhas (3.000 km) ou 4:15 horas de Tóquio e 1.800 milhas (2.800 km) a partir de 4:25 horas de Pequim . Sempre tão fisicamente dotado, está sentado na agulha de dois vulcões notoriamente perigosos - Pinatubo ao norte, que fez manchetes em 1991, quando lançou poeira em todo o mundo e caiu a temperatura global em 2, e Taal ao sul que sempre faz Manchetes a cada década ou assim, enquanto esta cidade se aproxima do Pacific Rim of Fire embaixo. O que mais, está no caminho da monção tropical trazendo esses tifões cada vez mais poderosos durante a segunda metade do ano. Está rodeado pelo sul pelo idílico Lago Bai - uma verdadeira mostra cênica de pessoas nativas hispânicas e cultura tradicional, e mais ao sul por um agradável e refrescante Lago Taal. A cidade de Manila está na parte ocidental de Metro Manila. Limita ao oeste pela baía de Manila, ao norte por Navotas. Cidade de Quezon e Cidade de Caloocan. A leste por San Juan e Mandaluyong City e ao sul por Pasay e Makati. Get in Edit By air Edit As Filipinas têm apenas seis pontos de entrada oficiais por mar, e todos estão todo o caminho para o sul. (Ou seja, Bongao e Turtle Islands em Tawi Tawi, Taganac e Balabac em Palawan, e Batunganding e Tibanban, Davao del Sur. Estes servem viagens marítimas da Malásia ou da Indonésia, são apenas vizinhos próximos.) A maneira mais razoável e prática de chegar a Manila é pelo ar. Aeroporto Internacional Ninoy Aquino Editar O aeroporto internacional primário das Filipinas e geralmente considerado o pior aeroporto da Ásia, especialmente para a transferência de passageiros. Os terminais 1, 2, 3, 4, não estão conectados internamente, e exigem uma unidade real através das ruas da cidade lotada em táxis ou jeepneys. Permita muito tempo para conexão. Melhor ainda, reserve seus vôos em 1 reserva para que você seja protegido com continuidade. Veja o guia aqui para logística de conexão e horários: silent-gardensair-transfer. php Atualização: a partir de outubro de 2016, há um serviço de transferência de ônibus gratuito do Terminal 4 para o Terminal 1 (e possivelmente para outros terminais) se você estiver fazendo uma conexão. O ônibus vai dentro do aeroporto, por isso não fica preso no trânsito (tempo de viagem 10 minutos, aguardou 30 minutos para um ônibus). Do Terminal 4, pergunte dentro de perto da reivindicação de bagagem. O Terminal 1 é usado para a maioria dos vôos internacionais. Está em más condições. O Terminal 2 é usado exclusivamente pela Philippine Airlines. O terminal 3 é usado por transportadoras nacionais como o Cebu Pacific e agora inclui várias companhias aéreas internacionais. O Terminal 4 é usado por operadoras de orçamento como Cebu Pacific e AirAsia, e inclui várias companhias aéreas internacionais. A tarifa do terminal para vôos domésticos provenientes de Manila agora está incluída no preço do ingresso, e já não é cobrada no aeroporto. A taxa do terminal PHP500 para partidas internacionais também está incluída no preço do ingresso. Existem ônibus fora da área de chegada, indo ao centro da cidade de Makati e Cidade Quezn via EDSA ou Efipanio de Los Santos Ave. Os táxis medidos pelo aeroporto são de cor amarela e têm o direito de parar e pegar passageiros e alinhar a área da porta cochere enquanto saía da sala de chegada. Cada taxi de partida é registrado por um despachante. Apesar disso, houve golpes freqüentes (medidores acelerados, carga de quilometragem de dias completos, etc.). Não deixe o taxista amarelo reter os dois deslizadores de táxi. Você não precisa pagar mais de 250 na maioria dos hotéis da cidade. Fique atento ao medidor o tempo todo. Os táxis brancos são avisados ​​como não oficialmente sancionados pela NAIA, mas muitas vezes são muito mais honestos e mais baratos. A tarifa base começa às 40. Mas eles só podem ser pegos no nível de partida, onde eles estão deixando os passageiros que saem. Aeroporto de Clark 2 horas Ao norte da cidade tem uma conexão de ônibus direta (450 pesos) para a área do centro da cidade. Além dos táxis, há ônibus e jeepneys (pequenos ônibus) que levará lugares por muito menos que os táxis (cerca de 15 pesos). A maioria deles se conecta à linha de trem que é tão barata quanto os ônibus, mas pode ficar muito lotada durante as horas de pico. Alguns ônibus retirarão a estrada da ESDA e tornarão a cidade acessível em um ônibus. As estações de trem das Estações Taft AvenuePasayEDSA são um conjunto de plataformas ou estações separadas e confusas na mesma área com links pouco claros - pergunte aos locais, se não tiver certeza de onde ir. Por volta daqui também é possível pegar ônibus e jeepneys para o terminal do aeroporto. Procure locais úteis. Consulte a página de viagem dos aeroportos para obter informações mais detalhadas. Uma palavra de advertência, já que os jeepneys, os ônibus e, especialmente, os trens são embalados e os bolsos de seleção são muito prováveis. Proteja seus objetos de valor e bagagem bem e lembre-se de que você estará muito apertado, então, mover sua bolsa será difícil. Tenha um amor duro e imagine que você está de um lado do trem e as portas que você precisa para sair são do outro lado. De acordo com a regulamentação aduaneira das Filipinas, para todos os residentes e não residentes, cada pessoa pode apenas até PHP10,000 através dos costumes. Os montantes excedentes exigem autorização do Banco Central das Filipinas. Moedas estrangeiras: até USD10,000 ou seu equivalente, os montantes maiores devem ser declarados. 400 cigarros OU 250 g de tabaco em rolo OU 50 charutos. 2 garrafas de espírito alcoólico, não mais de 1 litro por garrafa. - Veja mais em: taxfreetravelPhilippines-Duty-Free-Allowancessthash.6wEKBD41.dpuf O oficial do aeroporto pode cobrar uma penalidade se excedido o valor. A bagagem não é rastreada rotineiramente, mas os oficiais personalizados detectam verificações. Em barco Editar Manila é o centro da rede de ferry das Filipinas, e os ferries para a maioria das principais cidades vão parar no Manila South Harbour. O principal porto de passageiros da cidade. Várias empresas operam balsas para Manila a partir de pontos nas Filipinas, e os cruzeiros ocasionalmente param em Manila durante todo o ano. Em torno da capital são inúmeras atrações para as pessoas que desejam uma rápida excursão longe da azáfama desta mega metrópole. De trem Editar por ônibus Editar As companhias de ônibus provinciais também operam seus próprios terminais que estão dispersos em toda a cidade. Eles se concentram principalmente na EDSA no distrito de Cubao, Quezon City para aqueles destinados ao norte (norte, central e sul da Luzon, região de Bicol, incluindo Catanduanes amp Masbate Islands), em torno da junção de EDSA e South Superhighway para aqueles destinados ao sul (Tagalog do Sul Bicol Região) e em torno do distrito de Sampaloc em Manila para aqueles que se dirigem para o norte. Embora existam mais de 170 línguas indígenas em uso diário, o mais amplamente compreendido e, ao lado do inglês, uma das duas línguas oficiais, a língua de Manila é filipina e geralmente é falada em muitas casas. Filipino é quase completamente baseado no Tagalog e pode ser visto como um registro de prestígio. O inglês também é amplamente falado em Manila também. O inglês é a língua do governo e a escolha preferida para as comunicações escritas formais, seja na escola ou nos negócios. Os turistas que acabaram de chegar aqui podem facilmente acompanhar as últimas notícias de fofocas na cidade local de tinsel, bem como os bofetadas do governo, pois há muitos jornais e revistas em inglês. Em Binondo. Distrito de Manilas Chinatown, Hokkien é amplamente falado, enquanto o mandarim também pode ser conhecido como é ensinado nas instituições educacionais chinesas. Está rapidamente se tornando a terceira linguagem mais importante, seguindo filipinos e ingleses, desarmando o espanhol. O espanhol costumava ser a língua oficial das Filipinas e gradualmente se tornou o idioma das antigas gerações do tempo, uma vez que costumava ser ensinado para um curso de 12 unidades em todos os currículos universitários. Uma educação terciária não está completa, a menos que se leve a todo o curso e pelo menos tenha habilidades de conversação básicas. Agora, o espanhol é quase falado nas Filipinas, mas a linguagem foi percolada de alguma forma através do vocabulário filipino. O crescimento econômico de Manilas atraiu pessoas de províncias com uma ilusão de que uma vida melhor pode ser alcançada na cidade. Essas pessoas trouxeram uma diversidade na cultura Manilas de suas cidades de origem com línguas que falam Ilocano das regiões de Ilocos, Pampango de Pampanga, Bicolano da região de Bicol, Hiligaynon de Visayas ocidental, Cebuano de Cebu e Waray de Leyte e Samar. Taglish faz parte da vida cotidiana de Manilans enquanto tentam lidar com expressar-se a maneira mais fácil e eficaz, misturar n palavras e frases em inglês com Tagalog e vice-versa. Costuma ser mal interpretado pelos professores, mas à medida que a qualidade da educação se deteriora, eles também se viram cometer o mesmo ato, uma vez que esta nova onda de professores também é um produto da geração mais nova. O assalto aos puristas vem em ambos os sentidos, aqueles que têm escolaridade inadequada em inglês perdidos por palavras, e do outro lado, aqueles criados especificamente e educados nos EUA estabelecendo sua posição de volta no país lutando com seu tagalo quebrado ou encontrando experiências que Não pode ser expresso em Tagalog, lançando algumas palavras inglesas como preenchimento. Aconteceu que, sendo estrangeiros, ocidentais e americanos, eles são mais carinhosos e adoráveis ​​para os nativos castrados, sua maneira de falar se tornando a coisa. Além disso, o inglês está na vanguarda do desenvolvimento tecnológico e cultural produz novas palavras e experiências que não podem ser traduzidas. As personalidades do filme que são modelos são mais os culpados, pois aumentam a popularidade do Taglish (Tagalog e Inglês combinados). Comece por Editar Por trem Editar Manilas sistema de trânsito ferroviário leve Manila é atravessado por três linhas do Sistema de Trânsito Strong Republic (SRTS), Metro Manilas (parcialmente) rede ferroviária integrada. As linhas SRTS amarelas e roxas, operadas pela Light Rail Transit Authority, cruzam a cidade de Manila propriamente dita, convergindo na intersecção da avenida Rizal e C. M. Avenida Recto. A Yellow Line, também conhecida como LRT Line 1 (LRT-1), serve Malate. Ermita. Quiapo. Binondo e Santa Cruz. Enquanto a Purple Line, também conhecida como MRT Line 2 (MRT-2), serve Quiapo, Sampaloc e Santa Mesa. A maioria dos sites turísticos estão ao longo da Linha Amarela. A principal estação ferroviária regional de passageiros do Metro Manilas é Tutuban em Tondo. Da estação de Tutuban, as Ferrovias Nacionais de Filipinas (PNR) operam o Commuter Express (Commex), também conhecido como SRTS Orange Line. Cinquenta trens servem diariamente o serviço de transporte de passageiros, com a linha atravessando Tondo, Sampaloc, Santa Mesa, Paco e San Andrés antes de se estenderem até o metrô de Manila. Há um intercâmbio com a Linha Amarela na estação de Blumentritt, e com a linha roxa na estação de Santa Mesa. As tarifas de edição de tarifas no SRTS são baseadas na distância, com a tarifa base de 22 para linhas amarelas e roxas e 10 para a Linha de laranja. Cada linha possui uma estrutura tarifária diferente: Linha Amarela. 22 para as quatro primeiras estações, 25 para mais de quatro estações. Uma viagem na linha amarela de Vito Cruz, a primeira estação na linha dentro da cidade de Manila, para Abad Santos, a última estação dentro dos limites da cidade, é 30. Purple Line. 22 para as primeiras três estações, com um aumento de 1 dependendo do número de estações cruzadas a partir daí. Uma viagem na Linha Roxa de Recto para V. Mapa (a última estação dentro dos limites da cidade) é 22. Orange Line. 10 tarifas básicas com aumentos de 5 dependendo da distância da estação de Tutuban. Travel on the Orange Line within the City of Manila, from Tutuban to Vito Cruz (not to be confused with the Vito Cruz station on the Yellow Line), as well as points in between, is charged the 10 base fare. Single-journey and 100 stored value tickets may be purchased at LRT-1 and MRT-2 stations. Stored value tickets are valid for six months after first use. The LRTA has full fare integration for stored-value tickets: stored-value tickets purchased for use on one line are also valid on the other line. However, this does not extend to single-journey tickets, which are only valid for one line, and the Orange Line, which uses a separate paper-based ticket system. Be advised that SRTS Blue Line also known as the MRT Line 3 (MRT-3) stored-value tickets are not valid on the LRT-1 and MRT-2. However, the SRTS Flash Pass . available for 250, is valid for LRT-1, MRT-2 and even MRT-3 journeys: the Flash Pass grants the bearer unlimited use of the LRT-1, MRT-2 and MRT-3 for one week. This, however, is available for purchase only at selected Blue Line stations. The Manila Train Guide 1 has a map and tips on how to use the train system. By bus or jeepney Edit Several city and provincial bus routes either cross through or terminate in Manila. Most buses which serve Manila proper will cross through the Lawton bus terminal, which is conveniently located in front of the LRT-1 Central Terminal station. Routes include points in Metro Manila, Laguna, Cavite and Bulacan. and bus fares normally begin at 10. Manila city bus routes are not numbered. However, the bus route is prominently displayed on the side of the bus as well as on the dashboard, listing both the routes endpoints and major points in between which will be served by that particular route. When in doubt, ask the bus conductor if a particular bus will go to a particular destination. Manila is also served by several jeepney routes, some of which ply the routes previously served by Manilas pre-World War II tram system. The Lawton bus terminal is also a major jeepney terminal, with several jeepneys either crossing through, terminating or originating here. Fares begin at 8.00 for the first four kilometers. Like buses, jeepney routes are not numbered, but the route is prominently displayed on the sides of the jeepney as well as on the dashboard, and drivers, or specialized barkers announce their destination and departure at route origins. By tricycle or pedicab Edit Tricycles and pedicabs are, in the City of Manila, limited to short distances as it can access hard-to-reach areas. Tricycle and pedicab terminals are found throughout the city: major points for taking tricycles and pedicabs within the downtown area include the Lawton bus terminal, the area around LRT-1 Doroteo Jose and MRT-2 Recto Stations, Tutuban railway station, Plaza Lacson in Santa Cruz, and Plaza Lorenzo Ruiz in Binondo. Tricycle and pedicab terminals are normally located alongside jeepney terminals and train stations. By law, tricycles and pedicabs must display a fare matrix which displays fares to areas served by the vehicle, and is normally adhered to for short distances. For longer distances, it is not uncommon to negotiate the fare beforehand with the driver. By calesa Edit In Ermita, Intramuros and Binondo, it is still possible to ride a calesa . or traditional horse-drawn carriage. While no longer used as a meaningful form of transport by most locals, calesas are useful for navigating through narrow streets (similar to tricycles and pedicabs), as well as getting a feel of transport in colonial Manila. Fares are negotiated beforehand with the cochero (driver), and a one-hour ride for two people normally costs around 50-70. SCAM ALERT: Be aware of the well known calesa scam. When you ride, they will just say 50 or so Pisos but while hopping off theyll ask for 50 US dollars. The Manila Cathedral The main tourist sites of Manila are located along Manila Bay. Landmarks Edit Baywalk - South of the Luneta is the renovated Baywalk a linear park adjacent to Manila Bay. Restaurants formerly on the actual baywalk have been moved inwards to allow a clear view of Manilas legendary sunsets. Bonifacio Shrine - A shrine in honour of Andrs Bonifacio who was one of the Filipinos who struggled and fought for freedom for the country against the Spanish forces. Chinatown - Manila has one of the largest Chinatowns in the world, where one can find exotic Chinese goods and delicious cuisine. The area, however, is dirty and polluted, plus getting there can be a hassle given heavy traffic. Coconut Palace - a residence commissioned and built along the waterfront by First Lady Imelda Marcos for Pope John Paul IIs visit in 1981. While open to the public at some point, it is currently (as of June 2011) occupied by the current Vice President and still open for public visits (by appointment by calling the Office of the Vice President, leaving a return call number and waiting for a confirmation). Intramuros - At the northern end of the Bay lies the remnants of the old walled Spanish settlement of Manila, Intramuros (Spanish for within the walls). Intramuros contains some of the citys most interesting museums, ruins, and churches including the Manila Cathedral . the most important church in the country. Mabini Shrine - Apolinario Mabinis former home. Mabini was a Lawyer and fought for Philippine Independence. During the American Occupation, this home became the first intellectual headquarters of the First Philippine Republic. Malacan Palace - Manila is the host of the official residence of the president of the Philippines. While heading your way here, you will see wonderful places. People can roam the garden afterwards. Manila Hotel - Just outside Intramuros and on the edge of Manila Bay is the beautiful and historic Manila Hotel, a legacy of the American colonial era and the place where General Douglas MacArthur made his home before World War II. Plaza San Luis - A commercial complex consisting five house Casa Manila, Casa Urdaneta, Casa Blanca, Los Hidalgos and El Hogar Filipino. Plaza San Luis showcases Filipino-Hispanic Architecture. Other than Souvenir shops there is a museum in Casa Manila. University of Santo Toms ( Universidad de Santo Toms (UST) ). This University, constructed by the Spanish, is the oldest existing University in the whole of Far East and second to be founded in the Philippines. Used as a concentration camp by the Japanese during their occupation and cramming about 10 000, exceeding the maximum capacity of 4000. The University has a museum housing a collection that dates back to 1682 mostly natural history, coins amp medals, ethnography, oriental arts, and catholic iconography. The building where the museum sits, known as the paraninfo or simply Main Building to most, has a lobby containing powerfully steering wall-to-wall mural by National Artist Botong Francisco in the genre of his contemporary, Diego Rivera. Taxa. 160edit Manila Metropolitan Theater - 2 The Manila Metropolitan Theatre or MET is an art deco building designed by the Filipino architect Juan M. de Guzman Arellano, and inaugurated on 10 December 1931, with a capacity of 1670. The theatre is located on Padre Burgos Avenue, near the Manila Central Post Office. Renovated under the auspices of Imelda Marcos, it now falls back under the management of neglect and decadence. Manila Central Post Office - 3 Designed by Filipino architect Juan Marcos de Guzman Arellano, located in a very prominent visual and commanding spot of the first Civic Centre in Manila and could have been perfect location for a Senate building, the Post Office building was built in neoclassical architecture in 1926. It was severely damaged in World War II, and rebuilt in 1946 preserving most of its original design. It is located in the Intramuros district of the city, at the bank of the Pasig River. The front of the building faces the Liwasang Bonifacio plaza (now known as Plaza Lawton). Museums Edit Manila has seen a drastic improvement in its museum offerings with the recent renovation of old favorites such as the National Museum of the Filipino People and the Ayala Museum (located not in Manila but in nearby Makati City). Other must-see museums in the city are the Bahay Chinoy (Chinese House), Casa Manila . San Agustin Museum the Museum of Filipino Political History . the Museo Pambata childrens museum. National Museum of the Philippines ( Pambansang Museo ), P. Burgos Ave. 63 2-527 1209. 4. Built and opened in the 1900s The museum showcases significant collections from archaeology, arts, cultural properties, zoology, botany and many more. This museum boasts of amassing over a million artifacts but in actual, only 125 pieces or so are on show. An optimist would describe something as a glass half full, and for one, this museum is less than half full for one would see halls and halls of empty space. A floor would have just about a maximum of two utilised halls with displays in it. As in anywhere in the Philippines, things are forever in transition. At the entrance is somewhat an apology board explaining that theres supposed to be three separate buildings - this one and the one facing it as showcases for anthropological and archaeological artefacts while the third one, the former Senate Building functioning as the National Art Gallery where paintings and sculptures are to be housed. There is no time frame when will this wishful thinking be achieved. 160edit The National Art Gallery as explained, took over the premises of the former Senate Building and the repository of works of Filipino masters. The more than life-sized painting of Juan Luna titled Spolarium, a powerful imagery in the mold of classical theme and Romanticist in style is the museums version of Mona Lisa, meaning the most priced Philippine artwork. Museum of Philippine Political History ( National Historical Institute Museum ), T. M. Kalaw Ave. Manila. Includes documents such as the signing of Independence displayed in a holy grail-like showcase. 160edit Metropolitan Museum of Manila ( Met Museum ), Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Complex, Roxas Boulevard, Manila. 63 2-521 1517. 5. M-Sa 9AM-6PM. Inaugurated during Imeldas heyday, it used to display works by Caravaggio. This premiere art museum of Manila showcases both traditional, hispanic and modern art through its exhibits. Located along Roxas boulevard, across the Manila Yacht club. 160edit Bahay Tsinoy ( Museum of Chinese in Philippine Life ), 8 Anda, corner Cabildo Street, Intramuros ( Facing the Manila Cathedral, take the right side street. Turn left two blocks after Manila Cathedral, about 50 m is the entrance to Bahay Tsinoy museum. ), 63 2-527 6083. 6. 9am-5pm. Bahay Tsinoy is the only museum of its kind in Southeast Asia and, arguably, the world. The Chinese, having come to the Philippines in batches since pre-Spanish colonial times, have been settling and assimilating as Filipinos. The museum gives an idea of the nuanced past that Chinese immigrants had to live through, and details their impressive journey from largely being itinerant vendors and coolies during the Spanish Occupation to being captains of industry and prominent figures in art, politics, media and government today. Museum is closed on Mondays, but open on Sundays. Although Bahay Tsinoy is open by 9AM, try to go there at 1PM at the earliest only then is the air-conditioning turned on, for electricity-saving reasons. 100. 160edit Museo Pambata. Roxas Boulevard corner South Drive Manila, Philippines 1000 ( From EDSA, turn right on Roxas Boulevard then take a U-turn on T. M. Kalaw Street. From Quiapo, take Quezon Bridge going to Padre Burgos Street then turn left on Roxas Boulevard. Or you may take the LRT-1 or a jeepney (A. Mabini route), get off on United Nations Avenue, and walk to Roxas Boulevard. Museo Pambata is right beside the U. S. Embassy ), 63 2-523 1797 or 63 985-360595 (mobile). 7. Aug-Mar: 8AM-5PM daily Apr-Jul: 9AM-5PM daily. The Museo Pambata is a childrens interactive museum, the first of its kind in the Philippines. Opened in 1994, Museo Pambata is the dream come true of Nina Lim-Yuson, who was inspired by the Boston Childrens Museum to open up a similar facility in Manila. 100. 160edit Parks Edit Rizal Park 8 Right outside the walled city is Rizal Park more widely known as the Luneta . The Luneta is the venue for the national museums, bayside restaurants, an open-air theater featuring free classical music concerts and acclaimed international films, a planetarium, an open gym for early morning jogging and tai chi enthusiasts, or a night ballroom, as well as Japanese, Chinese, Filipino gardens, an orchidarium, an aquarium, and a childrens museum. It is a popular meeting spot for family picnics and lovers trysts, and was the site of the execution of Jos Rizal, the national hero of the Philippines, and where a monument and final resting place most importantly - but sadly and disrespectfully overshadowed by poking skyscrapers nearby - is erected, as well as the inaugural grandstand for the incoming President. Paco Park 9 was actually built as a final resting place for Spanish families residing in Manila. After Jos Rizals execution, his remains were sent and buried here, which is today commemorated by a monument in the park. It is now a public park with jogging lanes and open air concerts, and is also a popular venue for weddings. It is accessible by taxi and bus, as well as a 10 minute walk from the LRT-1 United Nations Ave. station. Mehan Garden Nature and Wildlife Edit Manila Zoo 10 is rather decrepit, and in need of drastic renovations. The Manila Zoo covers an area of 0.055 square kilometres. Accessible via LRT-1 Quirino station. Also here is housed its famous occupant, the lonely elephant Mali, the Philippines only living elephant, known and friend, but not intimately, to Hollywood stars such as Sir Paul McCartney amp Pamela Anderson who have yet to personally inspect her condition and solitary confinement. Manila Ocean Park is a much better maintained marine wildlife facility which was recently opened in 2008 and is located behind the Quirino Grandstand at Rizal Park. The 8000 square metres (86,000 sq ft) oceanarium is larger than the Sentosa Underwater World oceanarium in Singapore, and features a 25 metres (82 ft) underwater acrylic tunnel. Mostly accessible by taxi, but can be walked if you are in the vicinity of Rizal Park. Arroceros Forest Park Situated in the heart of downtown Manila, Arroceros Forest Park is a 2.2-hectare piece of land behind the old art deco Metropolitan Theatre. Arroceros got its name, which means rice dealers, from the rice trade along the Pasig riverbank during the early colonial period. Churches Edit Spanish Colonial Churches Edit Baroque colonial churches where once proud showcases of the past especially before World War II but the wanton destruction of the Japanese and the equally guilty American soldiers during the Battle of Manila in 1945 dissolved all that except for a handful remaining. Lack of maintenance, vandalism, theft, and no proper awareness, guidance, or education by administering priests and architects who undertook renovation blunders (multiplied more incidents in the provinces) complicated the already pathetic state of remaining churches. San Agustn Church Manila Cathedral Malate Church Santa Ana Church Binondo Church Santa Cruz Church Quiapo Church San Nicols Church Tondo Church Basilica of San Sebastin - The only all steel church of the Asia, the Spanish were tired of building the church over and over again after fires and earthquakes, they finally decided to build the cathedral in solid steel. The materials were ordered from Europe while the architect is Gustav Eiffel the architect of the Eiffel tower in France. Its Gothic architecture might make you think youre somewhere in the middle of Europe. Beyond the City of Manila Parish Church of St. Joseph - See the Las Pias Bamboo organ here. Pasig Cathedral St. Peter amp Paul Church of Makati Guadalupe Nuevo Church San Felipe Neri Church of Mandaluyong Santuario de Santo Cristo Church of San Juan San Bartolom Church of Malabn Iglesia ni Cristo Churches Edit Aside from the interesting Spanish Colonial Churches, there is one group of church-structures belonging to the Iglesia ni Cristo . a homegrown reformist church established by a Manileo named Flix Manalo in 1914 that is uniquely Filipino somewhat parallels with the Latter-Day-Saints Mormons (its cultish-ness and disciplined regimen demanded from its congregation), that merit some curiosities. These unique churches have two outstanding features: that they are kept in pristine white condition (with some little colour highlights), and they soar to the sky like those gothic cathedrals, or Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, or the Salt Lake Temple in Utah. In some cases, they jot out in the middle of a green countryside off the suburbs of Metro Manila. But even in the midst of urban jungle in Manila, one cant help but notice its towers and sphires projecting through the clouds among the busy skyline. No name yet is given to this architectural style but it may safely be called Philippine Gothic Revival and the churches show the usual suspects of Gothic tracery, lacework, and rosettas, with the emphasis of verticality and noticeable indigenous geometric motifs as substitute. Its Vatican is located in the New Era District of Quezon City and can be easily seen from about two to three miles away from all directions heralding in a Cinderella-like castle fashion, their main shrine and headquarters. Saint Days Edit Manilans are mostly very pious Catholic people. On a different angle, being afflicted with problems and ailments, Manilans may not have much alternative and feel that some things are just out of their control and the best way is to ask for answers and solutions to their favorite saints. It would be interesting to note that some streets leading to a patron saints home church are extra tight during their special days. For the anthropologically curious, it also provides a good peek into the daily life of the locals, young and old, men or women. It alo reveals a facet trait of the Filipino - being fatalistic and true blue believer of some higher spirits. St. Jude Thaddeus Shrine . San Miguel District, Manila - Near Malacan Palace, this church is the busiest on Thursdays. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Shrine . Not in the City of Manila but situated in Baclaran District of Pasay City. Nevertheless heavy traffic affects the southern portion of the city towards the cities of Pasay-Paraaque, all interconnected by the LRT-1. This Church is the liveliest on Wednesdays much more especially so because the surrounding area is carpeted by a flea market. The Black Nazarene Minor Basilica . Quiapo District, Manila - Its feast day is on 9 January but its special day of the week falls on Fridays. Intramuros Tour - visit the Walled City starting from Fort Santiago. Inside is the Rizal Shrine, honoring the countrys National Hero, Jose Rizal - polymath, doctor, engineer, scientist, artist, linguist, propagandist, and most of all, an avid traveler who was incarcerated in exactly that same cell before he was executed, now transformed into his shrine. His patriotism and nationalist advocacy preceded that of Mahatma Gandhis by about 20 years. His shrine houses his memorabilia. Other places to see are the Plaza Mayor, Plaza de Roma, Ayuntamiento, Palacio del Gobernador, and the Manila Cathedral. San Agustin Church needs more than a passing glance. The monastery-church complex houses priceless collection of religious art. Across is Plaza San Luis Complex comprising a group of houses replete with authentic furnishings of the colonial period. Trace the walls of the city and the interestingly unique gates of the walls, eight in all and stopping at Parian Gate, the gate leading to Bahay Tsinoy, meaning House of the Filipino-Chinese, Philippines version of the Peranakan House-Museums in Singapore and Malacca. The House-Museum extolls also the economic, political, and cultural, among other things, from the humble beginnings to, achievements and contributions of the Filipino-Chinese community. Rizal Park Tour - Designed by Daniel Burnham, this park is the Philippines answer to Paris Jardin des Tuileries or Washington Mall. Gaze at Rizal Monument, a must stopping point for Heads of State visits, the Japanese amp Chinese Gardens, the National Museum, the Planetarium, the Ocean Park, the Museo Pambata, as well as the Quirino Grandstand, the oath-taking stand for Presidential inaugurations. Downtown Manila Tour - This self-guided tour starts at Bahay Nakpil on Bautista St. in Quiapo, on a turn-of-the-century house, then to Plaza Miranda, now teeming with vendors of religious, herbal merchandizes, as well as fortune tellers and prayer proxies as you make your way to the Quiapo Basilica housing the Black Nazarene. Stroll to Raon, Villalobos, and Palanca Sts. on your way to Quinta Market and the Ile de Toule (Ilalim ng Tulay) for handicrafts and souvenirs. Pass by Carriedo and Juan Luna Sts. another commercial strips towards Chinatown at Binondo where it ends in Binondo Church, the heart of town. Malate amp Ermita Tour - Cover this area starting from Plaza Rajah Sulayman and Malate Church, a quiant baroque church, then meander in any direction along Adriatico, Mabini, Del Pilar Sts. and Roxas Blvd. Make sure to stop at San Andres Market. CCP Complex Tour - Probe into the mind of Imelda Marcos by strolling, jogging, or biking into the reclaimed CCP Complex where a menagerie of her showcase art-beauty-culture projects stands, albeit not in its spic-n-span condition. See DistrictsMalate and Understand sections. These public buildings except for the Cultural Center Building or Theater for the Performing Arts, used to be accesible but have now been reduced to being admired from the outside. The Coconut Palace, always unpredictably closed, is now open for viewing, albeit by appointment. Skyscraper Gazing Tour - Outside of the City of Manila, get a hands on experience of the modern city with four greatest and latest skyscraper showcases of the metropolis starting via LRT-1 to MRT-3 stopping at Ayala Center in Makati, the oldest at 50 plus years and kept on re-inventing itself. Step into Ayala Avenue, the new Fifth Avenue of the Philippines and walk breezily in its 5-meter wide, flat, and very feet-friendly sidewalks (a rarity in Manila) while gazing at the ever becoming higher and higher skyscrapers. The walking tour heads to Ayala Triangle - a mini park spotted with sprawling acacia trees and a green carpet of turf, home to the Makati and Philippine Stock Exchanges buildings. The vertices of the triangle-park are highlighted by significant Filipino heroes. On the South vertex and first approach is the image of the fiery and enraging female heroine-on-horseback of the Spanish Revolt - Gabriela Silang, on the North vertex, the hubris-full and regal posing Muslim Sultan Kudarat, and on the East vertex, the meek and helpless nerd-looking assassinated hero, Ninoy Aquino. Trace back towards EDSA and switch to another mode of transport, a taxi or on an AUV in order to get to the second major destination, the BGC or Bonifacio Global City, then back again to EDSA, on the way skirting through the third cluster of skyscrapers in an area called the Rockwell Center, then finally to EDSA at MRT-3 Guadalupe Station. The line to the north heads to another concentration of skyscrapers, the Ortigas Center, the last end of the tour. There are alternative routes connecting these four. As you go along, you will be arching back your neck and staring upwards. Manila has seen another period of construction boom in practically the busiest areas in the metropolis (and these areas are just a sample) with an upward sales growth of condominium units). Be discreet on taking photos. Just like in traumatized New York or Los Angeles, here in Manila, skyscrapers and camera equals trouble. People here are not used to seeing a lot of tourists and mostly will have some second thoughts why you are doing this thing, unless you are white. Electric Chariots Tour of Intramuros - tour in style, meaning in segway rented from White Knight Hotel, Intramuros. City Tour of Metro Manila Via train - This do-it-yourself tour provides a panoramic view of the city from a different vantage point, exactly from a moving elevated train about 15 feet above street level. It comes in three lines - Line-1 (Yellow) for the North to South Route which is mostly within the City of Manila, Line-2 (Purple) for the East to West Route, a quarter of which is in the City of Manila, and Line-3 (Blue) for the circumferencial route, totally out of the city. For an all female-tour, LRT-1 and MRT-3 has an exclusive all female coach just for discerning takers. Fiestas amp Festivals Edit New Year Welcoming Festival . not a recommended place to be where Manila is converted into a war zone with unbearable noise, blanket haze, and stray bullets fired from unknown sources. Chinese New Year Welcoming Festival . Chinatown, Binondo District Oblation Run . University of the Philippines Campus, Diliman District, Quezon City not in Manila although it may have its own version. Feast of the Black Nazarene and Caroza Parade . Quiapo District, Manila, January 9 Fiesta del Santo Nio . Tondo District, Manila, 3rd Sunday of January EDSA Peoples Power Revolution Comemmoration . not in the City of Manila Manila Summer Sea Sports Festival . March along Roxas Boulevard Holy Week or Semana Santa . Catholic Churches throughout Metropolitan Manila Santacruzan Festival . the famous one hosted by Manila Hotel Flores de Mayo Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage . not in the City of Manila Philippine Independence Day Celebration at the Luneta La Naval Fluvial Parade at the Pasig River All Souls amp Saints Day Celebration . Cemeteries throughout Metropolitan Manila Marin Festival in Intramuros Misa De Gallo held in all churches. Christmas Day held in all Christian homes Metro Manila Film Festival along Roxas Boulevard Pageant of the Three Kings held in all churches Bota De Flores . Ermita District, Manila Cash and Credit Edit The unit of currency is the Peso (symbol: ), and judging by the impressive performance of the economy and its big foreign currency reserves, the peso is at US1 to 40 and dollar is still sliding down. Bill denominations are in 20, 50, 100, 500, amp 1000 while coin denominations are in 25, 1, 5, amp 10. 25 has always been very common and the jeepney fare has decreased to a base fare of 8.00 (January 2013). Banks and Money Changers are available in the airport but its better to change money outside where competition abound. Money changers are everywhere and most homecoming Filipinos prefer to change them here than in banks, Western Union or M. Lhuillier branches. There is no commission. The farther it is from the Tourist Belt Area, and the nearer it is around a town or city public market, the better the exchange rate is. Safety is not a problem especially if you change them during busy hours (safety in numbers). Be sure to count everything and put them safe in your person before you leave the premises. Money can be withdrawn from ATM and they are also everywhere. The Philippines are one of the countries with the most available ATM machines per capita. Credit Cards are accepted almost everywhere especially at all upmarket shops. A part of the Philippines bustling capital is a remarkable melting pot of Asian, Oceanic, and Latin cultures, which are thick with history and flavor in tune with most travelers interests. The best way to get a feel for Manila shopping is to go to a tiangge, a market of stalls where everything can be bargained. Market Market. St. Francis Square . Greenhills Shopping Center and Tiendesitas in Pasig City are examples of such. There are shopping centers catering to handicrafts, antiques, and curio souvenirs. Aside from Ilalim ng Tulay in Quiapo are the shops in the districts of Ermita and Malate around M. Adriatico . A. Mabini . and M. H. del Pilar . If you are interested in a Western-type mall, you cannot pass SM Mall of Asia . currently the 4th largest mall in the world. Warning to shopaholics and their spouses: You could spend a day there and still not see every shop or have to time to ice skate. Thats right, there is an ice rink as well. Manilans, or Filipinos in general are avid mallers, the Philippines outranking affluent Thailand, Malaysia, or Indonesia, and to some degree, competing with Japan and China in mall per capita. Its best to see these living museums to observe Filipino behavior and culture. Public Market Edit Public markets are one microcosm of Manila. Practically, Manilans from all walks of life come here to buy their everyday needs. They are as lively and colorful as any market in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, or Vietnam. Generally, they are divided into wet and dry sections and another section for dining. Dining is very cheap and can be wholesomely hygenic. Just look out for the huge block of ice dragged along the floor on its way from the delivery truck to a dining stall. If you see one delivered in that manner, never mind, dont eat there, ever. Joking aside, a filling meal will cost you as little as US1.25. Ukay Ukay Edit If you happen to see just about every Tom, Dick, and Harry in a blighted neighborhood in Manila wearing Abercrombie amp Fitch amp Levis jeans, chances are its original and bought at Ukay Ukays. How can they afford it Ukay Ukay is the answer. Its the Philippines answer to Salvation Army. Nowadays, they are everywhere and Manilans love them. Ukay ukay happens to be a contraction of the Tagalog word Hukay meaning to dig, the description for the exact action done while rummaging through the bins of clothes. But there are actually no bins installed in those stores, only clothes neatly hanged on the racks. For less than 2, one can find hand me down good qualities of branded wear. The more enterprising provide home delivery and roaming services by hanging them on racks installed on pedicabs, as they make the run on neighborhoods. Judging by the unafforable cost of living to most of the middle class and the soaring gasoline prices, they may be here to stay. Its also great for the budget tourist who would not want to have the hassle of packing and carrying tons of clothes by simply buying them here, then discarding them somewhere as his piles of souvenirs accumulate. Shopping List Edit Make sure you buy the traditional barong Tagalog . These are long shirts made of very light-weight, semi translucent material, often with Filipino arts and decorations and are worn by both men and women on most special Filipino and formal occasions. Cotton varieties are much more affordable, but for the real deal, go for one made by the strands of a pineapple leaf. It is worn outside trousers - ie not tucked in. If you really want to look the bees knees travel to the Visayan island of Negros and buy some barongs hand woven from Abac fibre (used to be called Manila Hemp - made from the trunk of Musa textilis . a species of banana native to the Philippines) with geometric design details from the mountains to the west ofBais City. Since Manila is part and parcel of the fabric of Metropolitan Manila, it is best to discuss it in general together with the adjacent and outlying areas same way as tourists will never want to just confine themselves inside the City of London when they enter Metropolitan London. Regional Dishes Edit Manila is a national hub of regional cooking and has almost all the regions of the Philippines represented - either in exclusively regional eateries or featured with other cuisines. General restaurants, either catering for the working class or the elite, can offer varied dishes coming from every region and cater for almost everyones taste palette. For example, the northern region called Ilocos has its favorite fare called Pinakbet approved by practically everyone but still closely identified as Ilocano fare. Here are just some of the regional dishes that feature in the restaurants, canteens, and carinderias in Manila: Northern Luzon Island Region or Ilocos (Ilocano) Edit Ilocanos, the most affluent of ethnic tribes next to the Tagalogs, are known as industrious and thrifty people who live in the limited cultivable strip of land bounded between China sea and the Cordillera mountain range in northern Luzon island. Pinakbet - vegetable dish seasoned with fermented fish Papaetan - tripe seasoned with bile secretion Dinengdeng - Central Luzon Island Region (Kapampangan) Edit Pampaguenos lead in the art of combining the best of Spanish and Chinese legacies. Relleno - stuffed fish or chicken. Pastel - Cocido - Pansit Palabok - noodle dish. Sisig - a dish of chopped meat or seafoof creamed with mayonnaise and spiced with Philippine chili. They also excel in fine desserts such as Turon de Casuy, Mazapan, Leche Flan and Biscochos Borrachos. Central Luzon Island Region Edit Tagalogs are generally good cooks too: Adobo - now considered as National Dish, its pork, beef, chicken, or practically anything marinated in soy sauce and vinegar. Sinigang - Philippines answer to Thailands Tom Yam, a meat or seafood boiled in a sour fruit. Dinuguan - internal organs of butchered animals and cooked with pork blood. (Note: eating animal organs was introduced by the Spaniards). Hipong Halabos - boiled shrimp. Kari-Kari - beef parts flavored by vegetables and pounded peanut turned into sauce. Biya with Gata - fish cooked in coconut milk. Pangat - fish cooked without coconut milk. Southern Luzon Peninsula Region (Bicol) Edit Bicolanos are considered the hotties because they can tolerate chili more than any other Filipinos. They also like coconut milk. Pinangat - minced young coconut meat with either shrimps or freshwater fish (mudfish, tilapia, catfish)and hot pepper wrapped in taro leaves then cook boiled in pure coconut milk. Tanaguktok - (also called sinanglay) fish stuffed with tomatoes, onions, garlic, ginger and the inevitable hot pepper wrapped in banana leaf and then cooked in cocomilk. Gulay na Natong - Taro leaves cooked in coconut milk. Bicol Express (the local recipe)- a dish comprising of 70 julienned chilli peppers with a mixture of pork fat, salted small shrimps (locally known as balaw)sauteed in onions, garlic, ginger and sometimes tomatoes then cooked in cocomilk. Western Visayas Islands Region Edit These islands, including Iloilo (Ilongo), are fertile and more blessed with rain than the other Visayan islands and the waters abound with fish. Ilongos are some of the most creative in the Visayas when it comes to cooking. Pansit Molo - soup with wanton like dumplings. Laswa - vegetables cooked in little water with fermented fish. Linagpang - broiled fish. Inasal - another fish cooked over charcoal. Kadyos - vegetables with fish or meat. Central Visayas Islands Region Edit Cebuanos live on these dry and barren islands and are corn eating rather than rice eating people. They have been influenced by the Mexicans. Corn Suman - corn desert removed from the cob and re-wrapped in the husk. Utap or Hojaldres - Cebuano biscuit. Eastern Visayas Islands Region or Samar-Leyte Edit Warays are coconut milk lovers minus the hot chili pepper. Kinilao - raw fish in lime and vinegar. Street FoodComfort Food Edit Street Food is often described as Pamatid Gutom or food to tide over, something to temporarily hush a stomach growl, sold at small food stalls, food stands, or food carts set up in places with high amount of pedestrian traffic. Cheap and rushed, it could be something commuters can chew amp swallow, or gulp in seconds while transferring from one route to another, or from station to station, with a quick standing stop at a sushi, siomai, barbecue, or hotdog stall. The variety of street food available is tremendous and may reward the truly adventurous traveler. Because of the huge variety, we have split the examples into two sections: those dishes normally sold by Stationary Vendors and those often sold by Ambulant (or itinerant) Vendors . Stationary vendors Edit Boiled Eggs Balut boiled duck embryo, generally safe to eat as the whole duck egg is intact and well cooked. The sight of the fully formed duckling complete with wings, ribbed feet and beak may not be too easily swallowed by the squeamish however. Penoy boiled undeveloped duck egg - just the white and the yolk. Quail Egg boiled quail egg. Grilled Meat Cuts Barbecue the term barbecue in the Philippines usually means bite size pieces of pork marinated, skewered and charcoal grilled. Chicken barbecue (bbq for short) is also common. Isaw . Helmet . Adidas and Betamax - grilled chicken (or pork) intestines, chicken head, chicken feet, and chicken or pork blood with funny names, respectively. Atay . Balun-Balunan . Puso - body parts liver, gizzard, heart, skewered. Deep Fried or Grilled Processed Meat Kikyam ground meat wrapped in bean curd sheets, then deep fried. Sausage small cured meat cuts then deep fried. Hotdog deep fried hotdog, in different sizes - bite size, jumbo, meat types, grilled and topped with sauces - New York Style, Chili, Pesto, etc. Meat-Flavored Dough Balls Bola Bola deep fried dough balls (totally without the meat) with flavor variations extracted from fish, squid, shrimp, pork, chicken, beef or combination of two or more of them, and sometimes with thrown in mix of chopped parsley or spring onion. Batter With Filling Added Kwek Kwek and Tokneneng very uniquely Filipino and ubiquitous, voted by Class D amp E Manilans as the choiced comfort food, consist of boiled egg (duck, chicken, or quail) dipped and coated in an artificial orange colored batter, then deep fried. When eaten, usually floated in a small bowl of vinegar sauce with chopped cucumbers, onions, chili peppers, and garlic, while being mashed or cut into pieces by fork or bamboo stick. Ukoy - shrimp, mung sprouts, carrots or any veggie thrown in and formed into flat pattie from a batter and deep fried. Waffle Hotdog - exactly American style. Meat amp Bread Empanada - with variation in fillings such as cheese, chicken, tuna, pork, beef, etc. Burgers - exactly American style but half the size. Sandwiches - exactly American style, most common are cheese, salami, ham, tuna, or simply mayonnaise, none of the veggies. Pita - like Persian and Italian styles but more similar to Greek gyros. Shawarma - introduced by Filipinos who have worked in Middle East and acquired Middle Eastern taste. Dimsum - Cantonese is the most influential of Chinese food contribution to Filipino palette. Siomai - meat dumpling wrapped in wonton wrapper with variations as either pork, shrimp, chicken, beef, sharks fin, or beef amp shrimp. Siopao - steamed bun with stuffings such as asado, bola bola, or egg, or combination, lately there is now a baked wheat version. Noodles - maybe dry such as bihon, palabok, canton, miki or wet such as sotanghon, molo, luglug, etc.. Hong Kong Style Dry Fried Noodles - a basic combination of fried dry noodles and a choice of fried pork, BBQ pork, beef, chicken, tuna, meatballs, or siomai balls and then topped with do-it-yourself concoction from an array of choices - teriyaki, garlic chili, barbeque, sweet chili, chili, sweet, sweet amp sour, peanut, oyster, to be topped again with Philippine lemon and garlic, etc. eaten on a paper bowl and chopsticks. Sisig To Go - hot spicy, from one basic ingredient of chopped chicken, chicken liver, pork, beef, milkfish, tuna, or squid, topped by fish, chicharon, and garlic flakes, and mixed all together with mayonnaise, local lemon (or calamansi), then garnished with the local chili. This type of preparation mimics that of a SUBWAY outlets where there is a plethora of choices of cuts, ingredients, and condiments. Sushi Rolls Plantains Boiled Saba Philippine plantain, boiled. Banana CueQ Philippine plantain fried in hot oil coated with caramelized brown sugar and served on a barbecue stick like a barbecue. Maruya deep fried plantain slices held together by a batter. Turon sweet spring rolled plantain with a slice of jackfruit flesh, deep fried. Root Crops Camote CueQ sweet potato served the same way as banana cueq. Kalingking - sweet potato cut french fries style, a handful are held together in batter and deep fried. Fresh Fruits - these are popular snack fruits: Pakwan - sliced watermelon on stick (May-June). Singkamas sliced jicama topped with fermented shrimp (May-June). Pinya sliced pineapple on stick (year-round). Mangga sliced or chopped crunchy mango topped with salt or fermented shrimp paste (year-round). Lanzones - (September-October). Lychee - Chinese import. Rambutan - (August-September). Santol - (August-September). Guapple - giant guava the size of a big apple, sprinkled with salt very crunchy. Indian Mango Pancakes Pancake simply slattered in margarine. Crepe with variation in fillings. Waffle with variation in fillings. Native Cakes Puto Bungbong exact Philippine version of the Puto Bambu sold at Pasar Seni in Kuala Lumpur and where white tourists are going gaga. Here, the mixture of grounded rice and sugar is steamed over a real bamboo over charcoal on a claypot and not by industrial stove as the Malaysian version. Sold especially during the 9 days of Misa de Gallo a very long time tradition of early morning mass prelude to the eave of Christmas. Nilupak a steady fixture along the streets abutting markets, this local pudding variety is made from sweetened pounded root crop tuber and formed in a style of mashed potato but with drier and stickier consistency. Bico Puto Kalamay Bibingka Palitaw Kuchinta Pichi Pichi - cassava patties. Espasol Ube Ube Halaya Sapin Sapin Suman - glutinous sweet rice or cassava wrapped in leaf and steamed. Japanese and Chinese Cakes Mochi Buchi Peanut Ampao Tikoy Hopia Japanese Cake - with variation in jelly fillings similar to donuts. European Bread amp Pastries Donut Pan de Coco - bread stuffed with coconut gratings Ensaymada Buko Pie - coconut pie Pineapple Pie Fusion Putopao - another Philippine product of fusion ingenuity, the common Chinese pao or bao or steamed meat bun has its dough substituted by steamed rice cake instead. Beverage or Palamig - very popular, cheap, and are now spinning into other variations and combinations Gulaman - one of the most ubiquitous, refreshing drink made from sugar syrup and water, made heavier by adding colorful squiggly pieces of jelly from agar agar sometimes mixed with evaporated milk. Sago - another very popular drink by the locals, sugar syrup mixed on iced water with tapioca balls similar to Korean Boba. Mix - mix of gulaman amp sago. Buko Juice - coconut juice and shredings. Melon Juice Pineapple Juice Other Popular Combination Palamig - the first three sugar syrup based beverages above may be combined with other ingredients to form the following: Fruit Salad Juice - just like a fruit salad but with thinner consistency to be gulped and not spooned. Halo Halo Juice - same principle as in fruit salad but with Halo-halo ingredients. Ube Macapuno Juice - yam amp coconut sport or abnormally formed coconut flesh. Corn Juice Coffee Juice Creamed Palamig - much thicker in consistency and less as a beverage. Buko Macapuno Cream - young sport coconut shredded with very diluted cream almost like evaporated milk, in a portable cup. Buko Macapuno Pandan Cream - likewise, with Pandan flavor distinguished by its green color. Buko Macapuno and Nata de Coco Cream - likewise but added with Nata from coconut, the jelly cream formed from fermented coconut juice. Jelly Cream - an all-jelly cast, including nata. Combined Macapuno amp Jelly SorbetesIce Cream Low income workers patronize them the most as they commute to their homes, often taking two-hour trips. These are noted in the open streets where they are the cheapest and these are what most bloggers and media immediately see. But there are ones that are as even cleaner as those found in Bangkok or at par with those in hawker centers in Taiwan. Singapore and Malaysia. or Japan and Korea. Mall walkways and Food Courts offer a wide selection of Street Food menu and that is some notches less in worrying about hygiene. Expect the cost to be a little bit higher, although that would just come up to be in cents difference. For a taste of street food without the accompanying risk, try out the following establishments: Balut Eggspress - serves balut, kwek kwek and one day old chicks . which are quite literally day old chicks marinated and fried in hot oil then eaten whole including the bones. They have a stall in the MRT-3 Ayala Station. Nanay Q - serving special pork and chicken BBQ, liempo, grilled fish and shrimps. They also serve special Pinoy dishes such as Beef Caldereta, Menudo, Pinapaitan, Gambas and Sinigang. Sisig is also their specialty. They have branches at Robinsons Pioneer and Edsa Central. You may visit 11 for more info.. CarinderyasCarinderias sound like Spanish style cooking but there is no relation to it. Its simply a collective term for a working class type of eating stall, now with table and seats for sit-in meals, more as a hole-in-the-wall or a makeshift school canteen (some may have wheels) for the lowly construction worker, the jeepney driver, or the student low and tight on budget. The style of presenting the food (no menus but some have posted menus) is laid out on a glass-covered or open counter in pots or deep square aluminum platters (for the more classy ones) and where the customer can just scan his eyes and choose what he wants. PanaderyasPanaderias are Bakeries dispensing bread and pastries. But the line is not clear if they are a separate class of their own or as Street Food. Goldilocks Bakeshop operate as a full-time restaurant but they can have some presence in malls as food stand types. Dunkin Donuts or Mister Donut also establish their presence as either a shop with dining tables or as a stand-alone stall. Ambulant Food Edit This is a special class of Street Food distinguished from the stationary establishments. Vendors roam around in their carts in a certain route and a specific time, as some foods sold are time sensitive, meaning they can only be eaten say, in the morning, or as an afternoon snack. Some of their itineraries are neighborhoods, where their target clientle are preschool or school age children, and some are office blocks, where their prime targets are lady workers. There are only a few types of these food that are mobile. Taho - this ubiquitous mushy tofu, found in the whole Southeast Asia has this Philippine version topped with sugar syrup and tapioca balls. Its patronized mostly by children and construction workers in the morning. Mais - boiled corn-on-the-cob sold in the early to late afternoon. Binatog - boiled glutinous corn topped with coconut milk, sugar, and fresh coconut gratings. Bola Bola - fried fish balls, small hotdogs, etc. Assorted Fruits Ice Cream or Dirty Ice Cream - sold in folksy carts, it announces its presence with a bell that looks more like a collectors item. Flavors are as native themed as its cart - mango, carabao cheese, pandan, and yam. Breakfast Fare Edit Breakfast in the city is described as dry - meaning not wet as in noodle and soup or porridge like what is taken in the morning in most Southeast Asian cities. More like an amalgam of the East and the West, specifically the American, Hispanic, and Malay, somehow as if McDonalds and Cuban entrees collided with Nasi Lemak to form these creations that are very catchy to begin with for they all end with SILOG . First, these are the key words in Tagalog: Si nangag for fried garlic rice and It log for egg more often sunny side up and rarely scrambled. They combine to form the portmanteau SILOG . Along with these is the main item - meat or fish plus the given mainstays - Set A . lettuce-sliced tomato(s)-sliced cucumber(s), Set B . carrots and peas toppings over sinangag, Set C . achara or pickled unripe papaya and carrots, Set D . fried garlic or shallots over sinangag, or Set E: onion rings. The main items are as follows: Tapsilog - for tapa or cured beef jerky Dasilog - for daing or any sun-dried fish Adosilog - for adobo (vinegar amp soy sauce marinated chicken, pork or beef) Hamsilog - for ham Disilog - for dilis or fried smelt or anchovy Cornsilog - for corned beef Bacsilog - for bacon Bangsilog - for bangus or milkfish Bisteksilog - for beef steak Dangsilog - for danggit or rabbitfish Vicsilog - for vic or chinless hogfish Chosilog - for chorizo or Spanish style sausage Chiksilog - for fried chicken Embotidosilog - for embotido or Philippine-style meatloaf Shanghaisilog - for shanghai roll or Philippine-style fried spring roll Hotsilog - for hotdog or Philippine-style red hotdog Longsilog - for longganisa or Philippine-style sausage (derived from Chinese style) Tosilog - for tosino or sugarhoney cured meat Masilog - for Ma Ling brand Chinese luncheon meat SPAMsilog - for SPAM brand luncheon meat Nuggetsilog - for chicken nuggets Porksilog - for chuleta or porkchop Lec honsilog - for roasted pork Liemposilog - for crispy pork Bangusilog - for fried milkfish Baloneysilog - for Bologna sausage Pusitsilog - for fried breaded squid rings or octopus tentacles, or plain midget squids Siomaisilog - for siomai ( a type of meat dumpling) Tuyosilog - for sun dried mackerel Isawsilog - for a piece of pork intestines Of course, this is assisted with hot coffee, tea, or juice and a couple of morning bread called Pan de Sal (salted bread). There are stalls or CarinderiasCarinderyas that specialize in this breakfast SILOG fare called Tapsihan named for the first type of of these combo ever concocted, the tapsilog, or Silogan . There are now food carts that sell these Silogs packed in paper bowls like instant noodles and eaten on the go. SnacksChichireya Edit Snacks or nibblers called Chichireya or Papak while office workers multi-task and at the same time working and chatting. Also, it is eaten on long journeys or while watching movies or simply doing school work. Peanut - garlic-flavored fried peanuts. Adobo Peanut - adobo-flavored fried peanuts. Hot Chili Peanut - chili-flavored fried peanuts. Skinless Peanut Japanese Peanut - batter cracker coated, sometimes with minutely chopped seaweeds. Peanut Brittle - caramel coated peanuts. Sung Sung Pop Beans Sweet Beans Tip Top - local version of MampMs. Shrimp Chicha - shrimp-flavored crackers. Onion Twist Chicha - dipped in vinegar. Onion amp Garlic Potato Chicha - dipped just like any Mexican corn snacks. Shing-A-Ling - fried stick crackers. Chicharon Ilocos - pork crackers styled from Ilocos region. Chicharon Classic Cornick - garlic-flavored fried corn kernels. Cornick Ilocos - styled from Ilocos region. Cheese Cornick - cheese-flavored fried corn kernels. Green Pea - garlic-flavored fried green peas. Butong Pakwan - watermelon seeds. Sunflower Seed Sampaloc - preserved tamarind flesh. Santol - preserved santol seed amp flesh. Champoy - preserved dried fruits. Kiamoy - preserved dried plums. Dikiam - preserved dried plum variety. Cherry - preserved dried cherry. Haw Flakes - imported from China, extracted from dry sweet plums, formed into super thin, small communion wafers Macapuno Balls - soft glutinous candy from coconut flesh. Ube Balls - soft yam balls. Yema Balls - candy from carabao milk. Macapuno Pastillas - coconut sport with solidified carabao milk candy. Ube Pastillas - yam with solidified carabao milk candy. Egg Dilis - fried anchovies coated with egg. Squid - squid in thick semi-dry dark caramel syrup. Cheese Curls - popular junk food from corn. Chippy - popular junk food from corn. Ampao - pop rice molded in blocks by sugar syrup. Banana Chips Camote Chips - cheese-flavored Pringles-type from sweet potato chips. Polvoron - some foreigners call this volcano candy because it inevitably spews the powdery concoction once the mouth is opened while chewing it, a Spanish shortbread from flour, sugar, carabao milk, and nuts. Restaurants Edit When it comes to dining, in a nutshell, Filipino food can be described as timid in flavor, not much creativity, as well as care for presentation. Food is trained to have only one dominant flavor - either the bitterness, the sweetness, the sourness, the saltiness, or the umaminess is enhanced. For some reason, the ingredients used dont have that wide range like those in Malaysia, Vietnam or Thailand, its closest neighbors. Filipinos are just as happy and contented to limit their range of ingredients, people that have no sophisticated royalty, say as the Thais, who, among those that hadhave a monarchy, developed their superior palate taste through the royal court. No particular doting attention to food is given other than it fills the stomach of the ordinary hungry person. Such habit, if you can call it that, is actually American influenced, as we all know American cuisine is mostly grill and fries with not much presentation. Only half a century of American rule was enough to convert Filipinos to the American way of easy cooking, although many of the traditional Filipino cuisine has still retained some of its Spanish flavour. Just for example in a close comparison between the Philippines and Vietnam on a vegetable amp spice market tour, the Philippine counterpart is limited. For seasoning, Filipino dishes do not digress from the daily triumvirate of garlic, onion, and tomatoes, sometimes ginger. No cinnamon, anise, or cardamom, available only in a high end specialty supermarket, not an everyday thing. On the herb section, only parsley, spring onion, and lemon grass are popularly known to Filipinos, while in Vietnam, there are so many kinds of herbs used in the daily diet by an average Vietnamese. While the troika of soy sauce, vinegar, and fish sauce defines the limited vocabulary of Philippine sauce condiments section. One glaring observation, basil and laurel are not eaten fresh, only as seasoning sold as dry as a dead leaf. As a side note, the saw-leaf herb which is an everyday ingredient in Vietnam which happened to originate in Mexico, ironically skipped the Philippines during the Manila-Acapulco Galleon Trade. Speaking of Acapulco, Mexicans drink tamarind as a beverage. Surprisingly another conundrum, tamarind juice coming from the tamarind fruit, being as Asian as rice, is surpisingly absent in the Philippine beverage menu even though it is popular in Latin America and the rest of the Southeast Asian countries, which are on its left and right spheres. Noodle varieties are limited to a handful. The lack of creativity is also seen in rice wrappers for spring roll is just one type, unlike in Vietnam. Having plenty of variation and versatility for example as other people, the Vietnamese would use rice as sesamed crackers in their main meal. And even Mexicans would make their corn into taco shells, or Indians would use wheat as poppadoms. A far out creative imagination of rice for Filipinos would be granola-type dried rice snack bars. Filipino food is safe to say more as a comfort food, a peasant food concocted at a time when all Filipinos were all living on agricultural-fishing existence, contented to eat simply on rice and one or two-dish meal - one dry and the other wet or soupy. Even if Filipinos have attained a higher degree of sophistication (although others would rather patronize Japanese and French cuisine to match their economic and educational attainment), the same ingredients are used and the same flavor is maintained. Its only now that Filipinos are slowly realizing after the diaspora of the 1970s to the present, startling revelations of how low their standard is in the totem pole of world cuisine are getting to consciousness. And with increasing pride and economic competition among neighboring countries, nowadays, one can find Manila restaurant offering haute cuisine adobo laced with cayenne pepper and Spanish paprika. Most sit-down and casual dining restaurants in Manila would fall under the mid-range category. But there are budget ones as well. For budget dining, just follow the office workers making a beeline to building basements, canteens, or carinderias (road side stalls) during lunchbreak almost everywhere in the city and even in high class Makati area. The men usually wear short sleeved Barong Tagalog and the ladies, like bank teller attires. These are not lowly workers but they pay lunch as cheap as US1.00 complete with a clear broth, a dish, and a cup of rice enough to energize the office worker for the rest of the day. University canteens open to the public offer student meals and have resident nutritionists too. Along Recto and Nicanor Reyes Sts. the epicenter of downtown university belt cosmos, there are dime a dozen shops that offer complete and filling budget meals as low as 35. Dampa Dining Edit This oxymoron sums up what is all about eating in this genre of dining - eating high-end type seafood fares (prawns, tuna, abalone, and lobsters) most Filipinos cant afford, inside a humble shack. Dampa is a Tagalog term for a hovel on a roadside by the sea. Thats where it all started. They may be there since time immemorial, mostly proliferating along the southern part of Metro Manila from the reclaimed area along Roxas Boulevard to Cavite - the next-door province south of Metro Manila, where the catch from the sea and Manila Bay was easily downloaded and freshly grilled for fish-loving Manilans, or may have been copied from dining experiences in trendsetting Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Bangkok, or Singapore. It has been transformed into more decent Singapore-style wet and fancy-free hawker center and to even air-conditioned pearl-jade-dragon style Chinese restaurant and now are scattered in every entertainment-dining district in the metropolis. But the billboard sign stays - Dampa-Style Dining. The concept is simple: catch (or pick) it and throw in the fire in real time - no time lapse in between, right before your eyes, so to speak. So one can savor it as fresh as it gets. Simply as it is, a spin off of turo-turo style (point and take) where arrays of dishes are arranged on a counter and the customer checks and chooses by pointing his forefinger, this time the ingredient is still alive, some in aquarium boxes. Then, the next thing to do is instruct the attendant what style it should be cooked and what other spice and vegetable ingredients to be added. This type of dining has also took-off from seafood to other ingredients like beef, pork, and chicken, etc. And some variations, it may still be that lowly dampa-looking structure in the middle of a fish pen raising milk-fish or tilapia along Laguna de Bay or a rice paddy. Buffet Dining Edit Gaining steady popularity, its less ubiquitous than in other East Asian cities and Asian dominated enclaves in the United States especially in the Korean and Chinese sections, may be due to the fact that Manilans (or Filipinos) are expertly witty in outsmarting these restaurants in overstretching the definition of buffet, giving a slim profit to the coffers and headache to its managers. But its one or two presence in every mall is an indication. Local Snack or Ice Cream Parlors Edit Some of the food offered by these parlors may be also be on restaurant menus (since these are categorically dessert items), those that specialize in local cuisine. But these parlors are also a separate category of their own. Goldilocks and Red Ribbon. super hygienic Americanized establishments stand out from the rest usually found in malls, and from the humble food stalls in the public markets where they originated. These two are basically bakeshops but they function as native ice cream parlors, serving more or less the following which are authentically or adaptively Filipino: Ice Cream - mostly serving never heard flavors at least in the western world such as purple yam, avocado, carabao cheese, coconut, or pandan. Sago Parfait - tapioca balls parfait. Creamed Coconut and Pandan flavored Jellies Almond Jellies Lychees - also with shaved ice. Sweetened Sport Coconut Flesh - also with shaved ice. Frozen Fruit Salad Halo-Halo - the queen of Philippine SnacksDesserts, a Japanese invention of a salad of sweet beans and peas, jellies, and fruits and shaved ice found everywhere in the Far East. The Philippine version always has these ingredients - young sweetened coconut shreddings called Macapuno . nipa palm nut flesh or Kaong . Pinipig or toasted sweet rice, Ube or purple yam paste, Leche Flan or egg custard, and ice cream. Guinomis - Pinipig or toasted sweet rice and sago in coconut syrup and shaved ice. Mango Jam Mais Con Yelo (Hielo) - iced sweet corn porridge in syrup. Saba Con Yelo (Hielo) - iced stewed plantain in syrup. Langka Con Yelo (Hielo) - fresh jackfruit in syrup. Mangga at Sumang Malagkit Philippine version of the Thai mango and glutinous sweet rice. In this case the rice is steamed while wrapped in banana or palm leaf. Banana and Young Coconut Pies Leche Flan or Custard Mango Pudding Crema de Fruta - layered fruit cocktail cake. Cashew Tart Egg Bonbon Silvana Fast Food Edit Filipinos are great lovers of McDonalds and Pizza Hut, their dining style and menus. Hotdogs on sticks, hotdogs on buns, hamburgers or cheeseburgers, pizzas, and spaghettis are all popular. Their pictures proliferate everywhere, be it as street food or sit-in meal. Manilans also love donuts, particularly from Mister Donut whose products are not as sweet as its American counterparts. As a side note, Philippine style spaghettis are also done sweeter than elsewhere in the world. Fettucini and lasagna have already gained a foothold, and lately carbonara is fast becoming a favorite. Manila has most of the usual American fast food chains such as McDonalds . Burger King . Wendys . Pizza Hut . Subway . Dairy Queen . Shakeys Pizza . Taco Bell . Dunkin Donuts . TGIF . Italiannis . Outback . and KFC . Jollibee . the Filipino counterpart of McDonalds is eclipsing its American-based competitor, who has long held a dominant position in the city. It started out as a spoof spin-off of McDonalds . copying its menu and business model, but substituting it with local ingredients (ex. mango pie for apple pie) and taking into consideration the local palate. It has now has become a billion peso franchise business empire. Another spin-off of this business is Chow King . which has the same business model and packaging (styrofoams, plastics, and cardboards) but with Chinese influenced menus and has become as ubiquitous as Jollibee and McDonalds . Similarly, Mang Inasal follows the same pattern, but this time the theme is country or provincial style menu with banana leaf packaging, canebamboo baskets as plates, and claypots as serving plates catering to native food lovers. Coffee shops such as Starbucks and Seattles Best have also recently become quite common in malls and commercial centers. Meals could be as low as US2-3 in most fast food joints. A typical burger meal with fries and a drink would fall under this range. Pulutan Edit The Philippines has its own version of the Spanish Tapas but little is known about it outside the country even if Filipinos have invaded almost all corners of the globe, employed and even permanently residing in their host countries. Anyway, its more or less the same kind of presentation - as a finger, toothpick, or fork food, and relevance - to accompany any alcoholic drink, mostly beer, on a social gathering between neighbors, relatives, work colleagues, peers, and clients and mostly fall under male-bonding or camaraderie social dining. It comes from the root word PULUT meaning to pick up. It is always served in a communal plate or bowl with plenty of forks (if it needs to pick up the food, otherwise finger is OK) arrayed on a plate like oars on a boat. If theres a need for a dipping sauce, then a bowl is also served with it to be used communally. Boiled Mani - (peanuts) are often sold boiled in the shell, salted. (Note that peanut is also called Mani in Latin America.) Balut - duck embryo. Fried amp Boiled Tokwat Baboy - tofu fried with boiled pork the particular part of the pig is the face and ears or mask as they call it, all diced and mixed together then dipped in a garlic-flavored soy sauce or vinegar dip. Deep Fried Chicharn - (also spelled chicharon or tsitsaron), pork rinds that have been salted, dried, then fried. Chicharong Bituka - pig intestines that have been deep fried to a crisp. Chicharong Bulaklak - similar to chicharong bituka it is made from mesenteries of pig intestines and has a bulaklak or flower appearance. Chicharong Manok - chicken skin that has been deep fried until crisp. Mani - (peanuts) deep fried in garlic, and may be spiced. Pea - all varieties from chick peas to edamame (not fried), same as peanuts. Kropeck - fish and shrimp crackers. Grilled Pusit - Squid. Octopus - Hipon - Shrimp Isda - skewered fish, all sorts. Pork Barbekyung Isaw - chicken or pig intestines marinated and skewered. Barbekyung Tenga - pig ears that have been marinated and skewered. Barbekyung Baboy or Pork Barbecue - skewered pork marinated in a usually sweet blend. Lechong Manok - skewered piece or rotisseried whole chicken marinated in a usually sweet blend. Betamax - salted solidified pork or chicken blood which is skewered. Adidas - which is grilled or sauted chicken feet. Sisig - made from the pigs cheek skin, ears, liver, and even brains that are initially boiled, then grilled over charcoal and afterwards minced and cooked with chopped onions, chillies, and spices. Drink Edit A very localised drinking experience in Manila are beer gardens (or beerhouses as commonly called). They are scattered mostly around the working districts of Sampaloc, Santa Mesa, Quiapo and even the tourist belt areas of Ermita and Malate. Every city in the metropolis has practically its own adult entertainment strip, block, or district where these establishments can be found. These are heavily sexualized. Its mostly working class men and those working in the military and police establishments who are the clientle with young sexy and provocatively dressed waitresses or euphemistically called GROs or Guest Relations Officers serving the customers. Some beer gardens take it up a level higher and have entertainment on the sides with scantily two-piece suit dancers taking turns on the stage. The kind of food served somewhat resemble the Spanish Tapas style ranging from the simple such as peanuts, corn, and peas - boiled or deep fried to mundane such as fried pork, beef, chicken to the adventurous such as other body parts - ears, gizzards, livers, hearts, intestines, brains, balls, blood, and what have you. They are categorized under the subject Pulutan. For establishments resembling the western version of a pub, these establishments are concentrated in Remedios Circle in Malate district a very important hub of nightlife, as well as in Bonifacio Global Village in Taguig City . Tomas Morato in Kamuning District in Quezon City . and Eastwood in Libis District, Quezon City . Bohemian Malate. the older Ermita neighborhood and the Baywalk that stretches between them contains a variety of venues serving a combination of food, comedy, alcohol, and live music. Karaoke and Videoke bars are also very common as the majority of Manilans are American Idol fans. Manila has a largely English-speaking, educated, and low wage labor force. There are no readily available job opportunities for travelers. Common backpacker jobs found in other parts of Asia, such as English teaching, do not exist here. That said there are a number of foreigners working in Manila. The thriving call center industry, in particular, employs a number of Americans in management or training roles. Keep in mind that virtually all hiring of foreigners takes place in their home country, and not in the Philippines. Foreigners also occasionally work at NGOs, all types of which exist in the Philippines. Others have opened businesses. Standard working time varies, especially with the proliferation of Call Centers, but the usual working hours are 8AM-5PM. Given that the traffic within the Manila escalates exponentially as the day begins, its always better to leave early for meetings. There is also a local saying known as Filipino Time wherein it was expected that the attendee would be late by up to one hour. However, this has been significantly reduced through the years, although the bad traffic is usually (and realistically) cited as the main cause for missing ones appointment. Makati City is the countrys main CBD, or Central Business District, and, on every given weekday, it seems that all roads lead here. Multinational firms and big businesses hold offices here. Ortigas Center, which cuts across the borders of Mandaluyong City, Pasig City and Quezon City, seems to be the alternative CBD, with companies such as the Asian Development Bank headquarters and the World Bank Manila office located in this vicinity. Sleep Edit Check for accommodation listings in the appropriate districts You can sleep in a Manila Hotel for as cheap as 500 per night if you wish. Dont expect many luxuries at this price though There are dorms for 99night near the Clover Leaf Cafe in Kalayaan Avenue, Makati. These are massive single-sex rooms with 20-30 beds mostly locals come here for job traininginterviews. Manila has a lot of hotels, inns and apartelles. Most of these accommodations can be found within Roxas Boulevard overlooking Manila Bay, or in the districts of Ermita and Malate. Manilas hotel accommodations are 20 to 30 minutes away from the international and domestic airport. There are many major international hotel chains which have a presence in Metro Manila. Rates are still generally cheaper here compared to the same class of hotels in western cities. A stay in these hotels however, would be considered a luxury by Philippine standards - particularly since these rates would represent a months income for some Filipinos. Bayview Park Hotel Manila. 1118 Roxas Boulevard corner United Nations Avenue, Manila, 1000, Philippines. 63-02-5261555. 12. Standing proud and strong along the famous Roxas Boulevard is Bayview Park Hotel Manila. The hotel has 282 rooms and suites that provide utmost comfort for all types of travelers. All rooms have free WiFi access, air conditioning, cable TV, mini bar, and NDDIDD phone. Bayview Park Hotel Manila in Roxas Boulevard offers a range of excellent facilities like coffee shop, massage and reflexology, swimming pool, fitness gym, conference room, business center, babysitting, airport and city transfer, car rental, currency exchange, laundry service, safety deposit box, lounge, and valet parking that you can enjoy during your stay. 160edit Contact Edit Payphones are very common in the city center. The use of mobile phones is also very extensive. To use your mobile phone, it has to be at least a dualband GSM phone. Globe and Smart are the Philippines largest mobile carriers and they invite you to use them as a roaming partner (inquire from your home carrier if they have Globe and Smart as a roaming partner). To call anywhere within Metro Manila, simply dial the 7-digit telephone number from a payphone or a landline. If you need to call anywhere else within the Philippines, dial 0 area code telephone number. To make an international phone call, dial 00 country code area code telephone number. Internet cafes have become a common sight in Metro Manila. Most malls would have at least one internet cafe. Most internet cafes provide broadband speeds. Netopia and Pacific Internet are common chains. Netopia also has a branch at the MRT-3 Ayala Station. Cheap overseas calls can be made at Netopia branches via their VOIP service. Most coffee shops now also have WiFi services available so you can surf the net while sipping a cuppa. Airborneaccess. net and WIZ are the most common WiFi providers. Ask around if usage is free of charge, otherwise, as the case is often, you will have to buy an internet access card at the counter. Stay Safe Edit Manila is a city where one should exercise caution. As a slum haven, Manila is one of the most blighted cities in Asia rivaling Kolkata, Mumbai, and Dhaka. Sufficient to say that it is not convenient to wander around carefree as one would encounter sidewalks fringed with makeshift shanties that lead to a sudden turn into a labyrinth of squatter neighborhoods. It is very scary if not annoying encountering lolling group of male adult and teenage bystanders, although nowadays, these areas are most likely manned by village watchmen and everyone is more than willing to help and interact with lost strangers. Nuisances that impedes a pleasurable walking tour are dirty and malnourished children who freely use the streets as their playground, manholes that were left open (or probably its cover stolen to be sold as metal scrap), dog feces, uncollected garbage, undisciplined cars and mostly jeepneys weaving in and out of the lanes as they pick up passengers, as well as political billboards. A popular scam as of recent days is for someone to approach you and pretend they recognize you. They will say they work at your hotel (such as room service or security) and that they know you from there. They then say it is their day off and since they just happened to bump into you they want to show you something nice that is nearby. They may be very convincing even to experienced travelers. It is always a scam. Another popular scam is for a con artist to befriend a tourist and offer to show them around, hang out, etc. After gaining the tourists trust, the con artist then slips drugs into the tourists food or drinks. The con artist then leads the drugged, groggy victim to an ATM and watches while heshe enters her pin. The con artist is then free to withdraw all the money from the account. Get into a car or go anywhere with people only if you know them (even of they say that have helped you at the hotel on a previous occasion). Of course, if you ask them which hotel they will not be able to answer. They are best fended off if you just ignore them. If they persist, say, Are you going to leave me alone or should I call the police That makes them leave quickly. Theft is common, especially pick pocketing. You should act cautiously as you would in any other poor country, especially considering if you do not look Filipino. Thieves and scam artists are likely to see you as an easy target. However, most travelers from other Asian nations should have no problem blending in with the crowd. Never wear valuable jewelry or anything else to broadcast your wealth. Displaying that expensive mobile phone or digital camera out in the open is also a good way to attract thieves. Embassies and Consulates Edit Get Out Edit Antipolo City 8212 Manilans make their annual summertime pilgrimage to the shrine of the Nuestra Senora dela Paz y Buenviaje (Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage) in this hilltop town. Once there, you can partake of the delicacies such as roasted cashew nuts and kalamay (glutinuous rice pudding). The Hinulugang Taktak Falls are nearby and prove a welcome respite to the citys hustle and bustle. On the way up to Antipolo via the Sumulong Highway are restaurants and bars which provide an excellent view of the Metro skyline. (around 1.5 hours from airport) Baguio 8212 lies further north and up in the mountains of the Cordilleras. With its cool climate and pine trees, Baguio is said to be the summer capital of the Philippines. (around 8 hours from airport) Batangas - Visit Taal which is a heritage town in Batangas where many Spanish colonial houses built from coffee, sugar and other 19th century export crops. Many of these homes have been converted into heritage museums which allow visitors to imagine life during the colonial era. Among other sights are Gerthel Beach, Submarine Garden, Mahabang Buhangin Beach, Hugon Beach, Matabungkay Beach, Mt. Maculot, Calijon Falls, Mainit Hot Springs, Cueva Sitio, Ilijan Falls, Sepok Point, and Bulalacao Falls. Mount Batulao is a popular trekking destination near Tagaytay, with the same nice views and cool weather, making for a nice dayhike. Other nearby dayhikes include Pico de Loro and Mount Maculot (which has nice views of Taal Lake). Bicol - Mayon Volcano, Caramoan (where several Survivor shows was held in this location), CWC (wakeboarding enthusiast. Cavite - Puerto Azul, Marbella Beach, Caylabne Subic Freeport Zone 8212 This former American military base has been converted into an industrial park and ironically, an eco-tourism zone. Within the confines of the freeport one can partake of practically all of the activities that most tourists generally experience in the Philippines: sun-tanning on white sand beaches, bay side dining, studying English, forest canopy walking, wreck diving, casino gaming, survival trekking with native Aeta guides, bar hopping, golfing, getting a massage (one spa even offers synchronized massage with two masseuses) and other spa treatments, outlet shopping, you name it. (around 3.5 hours from airport) Tagaytay 8212 is a city located on a ridge overlooking Taal Lake. The spectacular view of the Taal volcano in the middle of the lake, combined with the exquisite cuisine from the numerous r idge-side restaurants has made this a favorite weekend excursion for Manila residents. (roughly 1 hour from Ninoy Aquino International Airport) Scenic and Folkloric Lake Bai Tour. tour of idyllic towns of Lake Bai - Angono - art town, haven for painters specializing on romanticist and folk genre, notably the Blanco family concentration of art galleries Pagsanjan - shooting the rapids and ancestral homes, Bian - coco pie, native pastries, and candies, Calamba - hometown of National Hero Jose Rizal and Charice - You Tube singing sensation. 160edit Villa Escudero This is a usable article. Tem informações para entrar, bem como algumas entradas completas para restaurantes e hotéis. Uma pessoa aventureira poderia usar este artigo, mas por favor, mergulhe e o ajude a crescer


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